update August 19, 2005
dat2ace.sh -
Create File objects for all files in a directory
dat2ace.sh $local/dat/dirname
This script is a shortcut way of
entering information for many data files into a birchdb
database. For each file in the target directory, write a File
object to the file datfiles.ace, in the current working directory. datfiles.ace can be read
in birchdb or
lbirchdb in the Edit
--> Read .ace file menu. File can then be added to Program
or Package objects.
The target directory dirname
is the name of a directory either in $BIRCH/dat or in $local/dat (=
$BIRCH/local/dat). Even if dirname
is a symbolic link to another directory, do NOT use the fully-qualified
path of that directory on the command line, or incorrect filenames will
be written to datfiles.ace. The safest way to run this command is to
use the environment varibles, as shown in the SYNOPSIS.
If the directory $local/dat/fasta
contains the file 'fastalibs', the following
File object will be written to datfiles.ace:
File : "$local\/dat\/fasta\/fastalibs"
Pick_me_to_call "$ACE_FILE_LAUNCHER" "$local\/dat\/fasta\/fastalibs"
- It is always a good idea to examine datfiles.ace in a text editor
before reading it into the database. For example, you may wish to
delete some File objects, or
create new ones before reading this file into the database.
- In .ace files, all Unix seperator characters are escaped using
the '\' character.
Dr. Brian Fristensky
Department of Plant Science
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 2N2