NAME - recursively descend through a directory structure, changing HTML documentation files to correspond to the directory structure on the local system.

python oldstr newstr htmldir
oldstr - strings that need to be changed in all HTML files
newstr - new strings to be substituted for strings in oldstr
htmldir - directories in which to begin the search. begins in a high-level directory and recursively descends, changing all HTML files. Symbolic links are not followed to avoid redundant or unintended changes.

For every line in oldstr, there must be a corresponding line in newstr.

Lines are read one at a time, and for each line, changes are made consecutively, until all possible changes are made. For example, string 1 from oldstr is changed to string 1 from newstr, then string 2 from oldstr is changed to string 2 from newstr, and so forth.

If no changes are made in a file, the file is left unmodified, including date and filemode. If the file is changed, the old HTML file is overwritten and the file mode is set to 644 (rw-r-r-).

Customizing BIRCH documentation files for a local installation.


In the example above, for each line, the first change made is to convert '%7E' to '~' (tilda), just to keep things consistent. Some HTML editors such as Netscape Composer will change tilda to ~, so this step just makes it easier to make sure that later changes will all be made. For BIRCH, the other lines above are as follows:
line 2 - Main URL for the BIRCH system. This URL points to the directory for the main BIRCH Web site eg.  /home/socs/birch/public_html. This is accessible  through httpd in oldstr, and therefore is accessible to the world. In newstr, the 'file://' string tells a browser that this is a local file, only accessible to people logged into the local system. It all depends on how your local web site, if any is setup.

line 3 - This is an alternative URL pointing to the BIRCH home directory. eg. /home/socs/birch. If symbolic links ARE allowed, you can simply make line 3 identical
to line 2. This works because symbolic links already exist within public_html for important documentation directories such as doc, dat and local.

line 4 - Email address for the BIRCH administrator. This will be included in links from documentation so that users can mail the sysadmin.

line 5 - The path for the BIRCH home directory

line 6 - userid for BIRCH system administrator

If your site DOES permit symbolic links in personal web sites
The symbolic link public_html/birchhomedir points to $BIRCH,  making it easy to find documentation files by referencing the main $BIRCH directory.  Thus, lines 2 and 3 in newstr should point to public_html and public_html/birchhomedir:
Preventing lines from being changed
Any line containing the HTML comment <!-- DON'T CHANGE -->  will be left unchanged.
Tagging one or more lines to be omitted from the output
When a line contains the HTML comment <!-- BEGIN DELETE -->, deletes all lines until a line containing <!-- END DELETE --> is found. For example,

This page will have only one line of text when processed.
The text in this section will
be deleted.
<!-- END DELETE -->

will be changed to

This page will have only one line of text when processed.
Replacing one or more lines with HTML from another file
When a line contains the HTML comment
 <!-- BEGIN REPLACE name="filename" -->, deletes all lines until a line containing <!-- END REPLACE --> is found. For example,

This line won't be changed.
<!-- BEGIN REPLACE name="localident.html" -->
The text in this section will
be replaced.
<!-- END REPLACE -->

will be changed to

This line won't be changed.
<!-- BEGIN REPLACE name="localident.html" -->
This text was taken from the file localident.html
<!-- END REPLACE -->

1. The path of filename is relative to the current directory.
2. does very primitive parsing of these pseudo-comment lines. The pseudocomments must appear exactly as shown above. For example, no blanks can appear between "name" and "=" or between "=" and the filename.
Dr. Brian Fristensky
Department of Plant Science
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB  Canada R3T 2N2