BIRCH - To Do List (September 18, 2009)
Short term/ high priority
- Currently, BIRCH must be completely uninstalled in order to
update to a new version. Is there a way to update a 'live' BIRCH
installation, so that there is no downtime? This is particularly
critical if people are going to run long-running jobs.
- GDE has several issues on recent Linux releases that prevent it
from running.
- Fedora11 - xset/font problem - won't launch
- Ubuntu 9.04 - launches, but entire X11 desktop freezes
- Fasta truncates sequence names if they're too long. May need to
use to encode and decode names.
- Change format of BIRCH Administrator's email address so that it
isn't a spam target.
- - ignore comment lines in menulist
- Replace heapsortHGL with a separate sort program
- Need better documentation for the fact that BIRCH changes the
command prompt. Should we set an environment variable to let the user
turn this off? This may be best to do in a $HOME/.birchrc file.
- Splitdb in biolegato can result in runaway jobs if run without
- getob - DBLINK line overwrites DEFINITION line in message file
- check for new Feature Keys
- Documentation pages could have an icon indicating whether a
program or package is part of the BIRCH core or locally-installed.
- SeqHound at is no longer functional. Need to
replace dgde SeqHound calls with calls to Entrez or other data
- Need a better way to check for the presence of critical things
like text editors, viewers etc during a new BIRCH installation, and set
those to the defaults.
- Update Cn3D and add CDTree
- There seem to be two problems when sequin7.3 is run on
linux-intel through vncserver. On some Linux systems, the application
launches but all buttons display squares for every character, rather
than the correct words. This problem also appears with Sequin7.35. On
other systems, buttons display properly, but it is impossible to select
a file in the File open window. You can appear to select and double
click, or even type in the name, but the file never appears to load.
You just go back to the startup window. These problems do not appear to
happen when Sequin is run at the console, or as a standalone X11 app
forwarded to the local desktop via ssh.
- On some systems, mv is aliased to mv -i. This will cause some
scripts to fail if they try to overwrite an already existing
file, because the script will try to prompt the user. The
problem has been fixed in dnadist.csh and protdist.csh, but
other scripts, and the .GDEmenus files, need to be checked to
see which ones might be susceptible to this problem.
- bioLegato - need a way to paste in sequences eg. past into a text
editor. This is sometimes more convenient than having to first save as
a file.
- bioLegato - splitdb can sometimes enter an infinite loop when
from features
- bioLegato - add -N # option for fasta fasta/nucleotide. Also -Z
- For local.cshrc.source and local.profile.source: option for shell
to recognize BACKSPACE key.
- get programs to recognize new amino acid symbols: J = Leu/Ile =
Xle; O = Pyl = pyrrolysine. In particular, the following programs
packages need to be looked at:
- readseq
- bioLegato
- GNOME, KDE menus
- rethink strategy for local copies of PIR/SwissProt
- add newuser and nobirch to birchdb (write man pages)
- Phylip - add 'gendist' to mbiolegato;
- dGDE
- Databases: standard distribution
- get XYLEM programs to work with remote database services
- Databases: add-ons
- specific documentation for
- local BLAST database installation
- local FASTA dababase installation
- For programs with no GDE Help file, create a dummy help file
saying that no help is available.
- miniBIRCH: let's see if we can shrink the size of the .tar.gz
file by reorganization of $doc or $dat directories.
- All programs that do resampling should be able to save the raw
tree file
- GETTREES in needs to be implemented more efficiently
for translating very large treefiles
- update Phylip most recent version
- Phylip - output to TGIF using pstoedit command
- complete set of pattern discovery/pattern matching programs
- better support for genomic sequences of arbitrary length
- need a more sophisticated usage logging mechanism
- $BIRCH_TMP points to a directory that can be used by scripts for
temporary files, usually /usr/local/tmp. We probably need a standalone
script that can be called by other scripts to see if this directory is
available, and if so, to use it.
- It probably isn't hard to add code that would let each user have
their own cshrc.source or profile.source files that could override the
local BIRCH system. But, it there any advantage to doing this, versus
just telling them to modify .cshrc or .profile?
Long term
- BIRCH collaborations?
- EMBOSS - complete biolegato menus
- Eric Linton, MSU: macGDE
- BIRCH under MacOSX?
- New format to generate bioLegato menu items eg. PISE, EMBOSS ACD?
Please send suggestions of comments regarding this
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