BIRCH - Pre-installation steps

Create a separate account for the BIRCH Administrator

BIRCH is deliberately designed so that the BIRCH Administrator does not need root privileges. Even if the person who administers BIRCH has root access, there should be a separate user account for the BIRCH Administrator. This limits the severity of potential mistakes made by the BIRCH administrator. As well, if BIRCH files and directories belonged to root, the severity of potential security holes would be far greater than if they are owned by a regular user account.

Ask your system administrator to create a separate account for administering the BIRCH system. For example, the userid might be 'birch' and the home directory might be '/home/birch'. This account  is simply a regular user account with no special privileges. If administration of BIRCH is to be shared among several people, it may be good to also create a group called 'birch', to which all BIRCH administrators belong.


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