ENTREZ is a sophisticated tool for text-based of searches Medline, nucleotide, and protein databases. 
ENTREZ search of protein databases for immuniglobulins and related proteins. The record chosen is the human immunoglobulin alpha FC receptor precursor. Five display formats are possible: Report, Graphic, Alignment, GenPept, and FASTA. The Graphic display is shown above.

EXAMPLE: Finding and retrieving legume disease resistance genes.

To run ENTREZ, simply type 'entrez' at the command line. A WorldWideWeb version of Entrez is also available.

 Implementation Note:
Currently, the network version of entrez, Nentrez, is on our system. Whereas Entrez is designed to work with a locally-installed databases, Nentrez queries the database server at NCBI, and returns the results to a window running on the user's screen. While the difference should be transparent to the user, the one drawback to Nenterez is that interruptions of network service will prevent Nentrez from working. The advantage of using Nentrez is that it is not necessary to maintain all databases locally.