

Privacy-Focused Period Tracker

Menstrual health is an under-discussed secret many are embarrassed by, and often overlook because of the stigma - we want to change that. We understand the sensitivity and how personal this subject can be - that is why we want to offer a platform that makes organizing and tracking your menstrual health as convenient as possible, and as secret as possible. Understand how your body treats you, and how you should treat your body using our app - without the worry anyone else snooping around and peeping in on your life.

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Bootstrap Themes

Period Tracking made Easy!

We want to make understanding your body less of a chore and more of breeze. Our app lets you organize your menstrual activities, easily linking various symptoms, moods, and feelings to specific calendar days. You can also ask us to help you plan ahead - if you opt in, you can ask us to use our community driven learning algorithm to predict your next month's menstrual activity so you won't be left in the dark about next month!

Bootstrap Themes

Privacy Done Right to Keep Your Mind at Ease

We understand that your menstrual activity is personal - that's why we have adopted principles and architectures to help keep your data safe and anonymous. Thanks to consistent end-to-end encryption between your device and our servers, no outsiders can intercept and read what you're typing in, not even us as a service operator! With no personal information needed to start using our app, we make sure that none of the data we collect is identifiable in any way, so you can rest easy knowing that everything you track cannot be linked to your name, address, email, or anything else other apps ask you to submit to them!

What We Do Differently

Unlike all the other apps out there, we let you join our community with no strings attached! We offer an open door policy with no barrier to entry in terms of what you need to hand over to us; no fuss and concerns like asking for your name, birthday, phone number, and like some apps out there ask, your address!

We recognize the goal of our app: build a comfortable and convenient platform for you to better your menstrual health! No need to ask our users for personally identifiable information, or even worse, force them to hand such over to even have the basic functionalities of our app.

We respect the intimacy and confidentiality that comes with your body; we make it our top priority to make sure what you keep track of is safe, secure, and can never be linked to your identity. Using both the best technological infrastructure to keep your data safe, as well as practicing a no-nonsense approach to our interactions with you as a user, we ensure the best privacy at no cost of your experience on our platform.

Our end-to-end encryption technology ensures that only you are able to see what you do on our app; no interceptions or wrong recipients of your intimate data can be read or deciphered! Moreover, other apps have a habit of keeping what you knowingly give them safe, but forget to tell you about how they're actually watching everything you do on their app. Over time, they study you enough to accrue valuable information about you to profile you; scary! However, we cut out all of that, making sure nothing is monitoring and watching you while you use our app; after all, why would we need that information?

What We Do:

  • Allow users to join with no strings attached; we don't want your information, just your willingness to join!
  • Default to the bare minimum of data submission; we offer cool features and such, but only with your consent and knowledge you are fully aware of the terms!
  • End-to-end encryption; traditional server-side encryption leaves room for errors, while our method covers all bases!
  • Never monitor users using our app; we're a period journal app, not a surveillance app!
  • Have no data attached to a user's identity; you're anonymous to us! In fact, with our account system you're just a 16-digit string!
  • Educate our engineers on internet privacy; we recognize technology can only do so much to correct human error such as exposure to social engineering or client side attacks. That's why we aim to maintain the most responsible and well-minded individuals in our team to protect your data.

What Other Apps Do:

  • Force users to hand over personally identifiable information like name, birth, place of residence, phone number, and much more.
  • Trick users into consenting to unfair data conditions by distracting users or shoving long legal jargon in their faces.
  • Constantly monitor and track users using their app to profile them.
  • Sell all acquired data of users to third parties for profit.
  • Often have their databases breached due to employee negligence and allowing social engineering or other various forms of preventable attacks.