Welcome to the GNS web page! It is under construction. Please email corrections, suggestions, and new material (photos as jpeg attachments; under 200K, please; please date event and identify people if you can) to Tim. (For the moment, though, aesthetics take second place to content.)
Bienvenu au site SNG! Il est en construction. SVP envoyer par courriel des corrections, suggestions et du nouveau matériel (les photos comme attachements jpeg, toujours moins de 200KO svp, et svp identifier le gens et les dates d'événements si vous le pouvez) au Tim. (Pour l'instant, cependant, l'esthétique prend la deuxième place au contenu.)

President's Report 2008 / Rapport du président 2008

Welcome to another season of skiing and Georgeville Nature Ski outings!

The first event of the GNS year will be on November 15. Louise Abbott and Niels Jensen will present their multimedia chronicle of the trip they made with a Cree family in the James Bay area, a final trip to the family bush camp before their trapline is flooded by the diversion of the Rupert River. (Sat., Nov. 15, 4 p.m. at the Murray Memorial Hall, 10$; refreshments after the presentation.)

Bird count day will be coming up on Dec. 30 (Tuesday), Ski Day on Feb. 7, and family fun skis on Saturdays Jan 24, Feb 21 and March 14. Nature walk dates will be announced. Stand by for more innovations! See you there!

Last year over sixty neighbours and visitors participated in our three fun skis and four nature walks. The snow conditions were mostly great and the fun skis, hosted respectively by Penny and Wayne McTavish, Loy and Peter Denis, and Mary Ann and Tim Merrett attracted about fifteen skiers each time. These are short excursions starting at Murray Hall and followed by soup and bread (for which a twoony basket is passed so hosts are not out of pocket) in the Hall.

Ski day was almost as fun as usual, but not due to the skiing. The one relapse in the good winter conditions happened at the beginning of February. Fortunately, we had decided to open GNS trails to showshoers, so some of us enjoyed our snowshoes. Nancy Amos' Ski Day dinner was as delicious as ever and John Boynton's table decorations and associated nature quiz as fetching as ever.

We reduced the summer's nature walks to four this year, trying to second-guess the arrival of spring flowers and to avoid drawing people away from Georgeville cleanup day. With the generous invitation of Robbie and Gretchen Colby and Ann and Mark Kaufman, 27 of us tramped their woods in mid-May. We shared our September walk with Georgeville Historical Society, and John Boynton and Stephen Moore guided us entertainingly among the well-hidden residues of the settlements of Old Magoon Point Road. We also revisited old haunts, Marlington Bog and le Marais du Riviere aux cerises. These drew good numbers of members who like to track the changes in familiar terrains as the years and seasons pass.

This newsletter includes membership and waiver forms for your continuing membership. Please fill and return them early and think about who else might like to join (or re-join) GNS, especially among the younger generations.

We have cleared most of the ski trails and will finish after hunting season ends on Nov. 16. If you would like to help, please contact Ed Markwell, camar49@abacom.com, 847 4194.

We are looking forward to the year's GNS activities, and hope to see you at as many as possible.

Tim Merrett