Appendix for the TSE 2015 paper "Extracting Development Tasks to Navigate Software Documentation"

This page contains the dataset for Section 5.1 of the TSE 2015 paper "Extracting Development Tasks to Navigate Software Documentation" by Christoph Treude, Martin P. Robillard, and Barthélémy Dagenais: "Accuracy of the Task Extraction".

To evaluate the accuracy of the task extraction algorithm, we randomly selected 376 sentences out of a total of 17,448 sentences from the evaluation corpus, the documentation of Django. The first author manually annotated each sentence with the tasks that we expected to be extracted based on our theoretical definition of the task extraction process. The annotation resulted in a total of 255 tasks for the 376 sentences. Most sentences (57.4 percent) did not describe any task, while some sentences contained as many as five tasks. For each of the 376 sentences, the table below shows:

Terms: The manual annotations are copyrighted by the authors: you do not have permission to re-host this data set. The data set can be used freely if accompanied by the following citation:

  author  = {Christoph Treude and Martin P. Robillard and Barth{\'{e}}l{\'{e}}my Dagenais},
  title   = {Extracting Development Tasks to Navigate Software Documentation},
  journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Software Eng.},
  volume  = {41},
  number  = {6},
  pages   = {565--581},
  year    = {2015}
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source original masked sentence manually annotated tasks TaskNav comment
source A template contains variables, which get replaced with values when the template is evaluated, and tags, which control the logic of the template. A ce28 contains variables, which get replaced with values when the ce28 is evaluated, and tags, which control the logic of the ce28. replace with values replace with values, replace tags with values "replace tags with values" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source This example excludes all entries whose pub_date is later than 2005-1-3 AND whose headline is “Hello”: This example excludes all entries whose ce1109 is later than 2005-1-3 ce1162 whose ce1140 is Hello : exclude all entries exclude all entries
source For storage systems that aren’t able to return the last modified time, this will raise NotImplementedError instead. For storage systems that aren’t able to return the last modified time, this will raise ce1609 instead. return last modified time, raise NotImplementedError return last modified time, raise NotImplementedError
source AdminSite objects have a urls attribute: A 3-tuple that contains all the patterns in the corresponding admin site, plus the application namespace 'admin' , and the name of the admin instance. ce670 objects have a ce671 attribute: A 3-tuple that contains all the patterns in the corresponding admin site, plus the application namespace ce655, and the name of the admin instance.
source 34.00000 {{ value|floatformat:"0" }} 34 ce324.
source Making “friendly” template contexts Making friendly ce28 contexts.
source in view code, in view code,
source Details on valid hints are provided below . Details on valid hints are provided below. provide details on valid hints provide details on valid hints
source If this app’s URLconf is included into the project’s URLconf under a path such as this: If this app’s ce157 is included into the project’s ce157 under a path such as this: include URLconf into project's URLconf, include URLconf under path include URLconf into project's URLconf, include URLconf under path
source Options. managed ce5953.
source the arguments sent to a m2m_changed handler ( topppings_changed in the example above) would be: the arguments sent to a ce2829 handler would be: send arguments to m2m_changed handler send arguments to m2m_changed handler
source MultiWidget has one required argument: ce1606 has one required argument:
source Importing Spatial Data Importing ce1830 Data. import Spatial data "import Spatial data" missing because first word in sentence wasn't detected as verb
source If the DATABASE_ROUTERS setting listed the two routers in the other order, MasterSlaveRouter.allow_syncdb() would be processed first. If the ce3783 setting listed the two routers in the other order, ce6255 would be processed first. list two routers in other order, process MasterSlaveRouter.allow_syncdb() list two routers in other order, process MasterSlaveRouter.allow_syncdb()
source minspare=NUMBER ce2999.


source model Pizza (the class of the objects removed from the Topping ) ce5594.
source Also, work that is done by the database process might not have the same cost (to you) as the same amount of work done in your Python process. Also, work that is done by the database process might not have the same cost as the same amount of work done in your ce6 process.
source Default: Not defined Default: Not defined.
source FieldFile. open( mode='rb') ce4124.
source Django will automatically generate a table to manage many-to-many relationships. Django will automatically generate a table to manage many-to-many relationships. generate table, manage many-to-many relationships generate table, manage many-to-many relationships


source Because the FlatpageFallbackMiddleware is applied only after URL resolution has failed and produced a 404, the response it returns will not apply any view middleware methods. Because the ce2864 is applied only after ce153 resolution has failed and produced a 404, the response it returns will not apply any view middleware methods. apply FlatpageFallbackMiddleware, return response, produce a 404 apply FlatpageFallbackMiddleware, return response "produce 404" missing because "404" wasn't detected as noun
source If you wish to protect a list, tuple or dictionary you can do so using the signing module’s dumps and loads functions. If you wish to protect a list, tuple or dictionary you can do so using the signing module’s ce497 and ce498 functions. use signing module's dumps, use signing module's loads functions use signing module's dumps, use signing module's loads functions
source GZipMiddleware adds Accept-Encoding ce4341 adds ce1484. add Accept-Encoding add Accept-Encoding
source date_field [ get_date_field() ] ce3209 [ce3210]
source The language part is always is lower case and the country part in upper case. The language part is always is lower case and the country part in upper case.


Default: None

ce3513 Default: ce278.
source You’ll need to do two things: You’ll need to do two things:
source You can use the {% regroup %} tag to group the list of cities by country. You can use the ce129 tag to group the list of cities by country. use {% regroup %} tag, group list of cities by county use {% regroup %} tag, group list of cities by county, use {% regroup %} tag by country "use {% regroup %} tag by country" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source Those are the two standard tables that use TextField internally. Those are the two standard tables that use ce2919 internally. use TextField use TextField, use standard tables "use standard tables" wrong because of passive relationship confusion
source Django will use the field specified in get_latest_by by default. Django will use the field specified in ce2514 by default. use field, specify in get_latest_by use field, specify in get_latest_by
source Default thousand separator used when formatting numbers. Default thousand separator used when formatting numbers. format numbers format numbers
source So the iexact filter will behave exactly the same as the exact filter in these cases. So the ce1128 filter will behave exactly the same as the ce1127 filter in these cases.
source Both and Fred <> forms are legal. Both ce6196 and ce6197 forms are legal.
source A collection of template tags that can be useful while designing a Web site, such as a generator of Lorem Ipsum text. A collection of ce28 tags that can be useful while designing a Web site, such as a generator of ce460 Ipsum text. design web site design web site
source With this arrangement, you have the flexibility of messing up your data in any way, knowing that whatever data changes you’re making are only being made to a test database. With this arrangement, you have the flexibility of messing up your data in any way, knowing that whatever data changes you’re making are only being made to a test database.
source month_format [ get_month_format() ] ce3224 [ce3225]
source NAME ce2917.
source If there were two similarly-named block tags in a template, that template’s parent wouldn’t know which one of the blocks’ content to use. If there were two similarly-named ce851 tags in a ce28, that ce28’s parent wouldn’t know which one of the blocks’ content to use.
source Parameters ce1024.
source Of course, if you don’t use the database cache backend, you don’t need to worry about providing routing instructions for the database cache model. Of course, if you don’t use the database cache ce532, you don’t need to worry about providing routing instructions for the database cache model. use database cache backend use database cache backend
source Client sends a GET request to /foo/ , after receiving a 412 response, to retrieve an updated version of the content before updating it. Client sends a ce619 request to ce5511, after receiving a 412 response, to retrieve an updated version of the content before updating it. send GET request to /foo/, receive 412 response, retrieve updated version of content send GET request to /foo/, receive 412 response, retrieve updated version of content, request to /foo/, request after receiving "request to /foo/" and "request after receiving" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source Fields are single data points, forms are a collection of fields. Fields are single data points, forms are a collection of fields.
source If value is a list, the output of render() will be a concatenation of rendered child widgets. If ce174 is a list, the output of ce782 will be a concatenation of rendered child widgets.
source Note that if you have multiple SQL data files, there’s no guarantee of the order in which they’re executed. Note that if you have multiple ce1082 data files, there’s no guarantee of the order in which they’re executed.
source Storage.url() ce1881.
source Note that when unique is True , you don’t need to specify db_index , because unique implies the creation of an index. Note that when ce1251 is ce223, you don’t need to specify ce1254, because ce1251 implies the creation of an index. specify db_index specify db_index
source A base version of this exception is provided in django.core.exceptions ; each model class contains a subclassed version that can be used to identify the specific object type that has returned multiple objects. A base version of this exception is provided in ce4355; each model class contains a subclassed version that can be used to identify the specific object type that has returned multiple objects. provide base version in django.core.exceptions, provide base version of this exception in django.core.exceptions, use subclassed version, identify specific object type, return multiple objects, use subclassed version provide base version in django.core.exceptions, provide base version of this exception in django.core.exceptions, use subclassed version, identify specific object type, return multiple objects, use subclassed version, return specific object type "return specific object type" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source Either configure() or DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is required Either ce1230 or ce1220 is required.
source Default: '' (Empty string) ce3494 Default: ce205.
source verbose_name ce1248.
source Returns a cache key based on the request path. This returns a cache key based on the request path. return cache key return cache key
source This tag is used for CSRF protection, as described in the documentation for Cross Site Request Forgeries . This tag is used for ce40 protection, as described in the documentation for ce41 Site ce42 Forgeries. use tag for CSRF protection, describe in documentation use tag for CSRF protection, describe in documentation
source Variables look like this: {{ variable }} . Variables look like this: ce00000003.
source In our example, we’ll call our field HandField . In our example, we’ll call our field ce1241. call field HandField call field HandField
source SQLite and MySQL don’t. ce1036 and ce1033 don’t.
source That’s all the Python code we need to write. That’s all the ce6 code we need to write.
source Resolves the template instance to use for rendering. Resolves the ce28 instance to use for rendering. resolve template instance, use for rendering use for rendering "resolve template instance" missing because first word in sentence wasn't detected as verb
source django.views.generic.base.TemplateResponseMixin ce1559.
source Note that this widget lives in a separate file from the standard widgets. Note that this widget lives in a separate ce22 from the standard widgets.
source For example, change this: For example, change this:
source QuerySet API reference ce1115 ce476 reference.
source The main reason is consistency with distinct() and other places: Django never removes ordering constraints that you have specified (and we can’t change those other methods’ behavior, as that would violate our API stability policy). The main reason is consistency with ce1917 and other places: Django never removes ordering constraints that you have specified . remove ordering constraints, specify ordering constraints order contraints "remove ordering constraints" and "specify ordering constraints" missing and "order constraints" wrong because "constraints" was detected as direct object of "ordering"
source Calling none() will create a queryset that never returns any objects and no query will be executed when accessing the results. For calling ce2387 will create a queryset that never returns any objects and no query will be executed when accessing the results. create queryset, execute query, access results create queryset, execute query, access results, execute query for calling, execute objects for calling "execute query for calling" and "execute objects for calling" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source The “object_id” field doesn’t have to be the same type as the primary key fields on the related models, but their primary key values must be coercible to the same type as the “object_id” field by its get_db_prep_value() method. The object_id field doesn’t have to be the same type as the primary key fields on the related models, but their primary key values must be coercible to the same type as the object_id field by its ce1301 method.
source You can set the timeout in a variable, in one place, and just reuse that value. You can set the timeout in a variable, in one place, and just reuse that value. set timeout in variable, set timeout in one place, reuse value set timeout in variable, set timeout in one place, reuse value
source The value of this string is passed directly through to the database, so its format is backend-specific. The value of this string is passed directly through to the database, so its format is ce532-specific. pass value of string to database pass value of string to database
source This will happily convert any string. This will happily convert any string. convert string convert string
source This option is valid on all field types except ManyToManyField and FileField . This option is valid on all field types except ce1088 and ce1352.
source year_format [ get_year_format() ] ce3219 [ce3220]
source A choices list looks like this: A choices list looks like this:
source You can create an instance of some custom file storage class, or – often more useful – you can use the global default storage system: You can create an instance of some custom ce22 storage class, or: often more useful: you can use the global default storage system: create instance of some custom file storage class, use global default storage system create instance of some custom file storage class, use global default storage system
source You’ll need to tell Django what your database connection parameters are, and what the name of the database is. You’ll need to tell ce0 what your database connection ce155 are, and what the name of the database is.
source For example, if the template variable my_timeout is set to the value 600 , then the following two examples are equivalent: For example, if the ce28 variable ce4867 is set to the value ce3463, then the following two examples are equivalent: set template variable my_timeout to value 600 set template variable my_timeout to value 600
source The time filter will only accept parameters in the format string that relate to the time of day, not the date (for obvious reasons). The time filter will only accept ce155 in the format string that relate to the time of day, not the date .
source The --noinput option may be provided to suppress all user prompts. The ce2757 option may be provided to suppress all user prompts. provide --noinput option provide --noinput option
source Django also creates API accessors for the “other” side of the relationship – the link from the related model to the model that defines the relationship. Django also creates ce476 accessors for the other side of the relationship: the link from the related model to the model that defines the relationship. create API accessor for other side, define relationship create API accessor for other side, define relationship, define model "define model" wrong because of passive relationship confusion
source This function is responsible for raising django.template.TemplateSyntaxError , with helpful messages, for any syntax error. This function is responsible for raising ce792, with helpful messages, for any syntax error. raise django.template.TemplateSyntaxError with helpful messages, raise django.template.TemplateSyntaxError for syntax error raise django.template.TemplateSyntaxError with helpful messages, raise django.template.TemplateSyntaxError for syntax error
source If you provide the default argument the exception will be suppressed and that default value will be returned instead. If you provide the ce279 argument the exception will be suppressed and that default value will be returned instead. provide default argument, return default value provide default argument, return default value
source Don’t coerce variables into the message; use placeholders and the params argument of the constructor: Don’t coerce variables into the message; use placeholders and the ce2423 argument of the constructor: use placeholders, use params argument of the constructor "use placeholders" and "use params argument of the constructor" missing because "use" wasn't detected as verb


Range test (inclusive).

range ce2553 test .
source There is a risk that critical data would be lost in the process. There is a risk that critical data would be lost in the process.
source UploadedFile. size ce2112.
source Any other function parameter will be transparently passed to the view. Any other function ce141 will be transparently passed to the view. pass other function parameter to view pass other function parameter to view
source head() ce3177.
source Hidden input: <input type='hidden' ...> Hidden input: ce1644.
source Example Example.
source Binds commit and rollback of the default database to the request/response phase. Binds commit and rollback of the default database to the request/response phase. bind commit of default database to request/respond phase, bind rollback of default database to request/respond phase "bind commit of default database to request/respond phase" and "bind rollback of default database to request/respond phase" missing because first word in sentence wasn't detected as verb
source For example: For example:
source CSRF protection works by checking for a nonce in each POST request. ce40 protection works by checking for a nonce in each ce614 request. check for nonce check for nonce
source Django’s built-in field types don’t cover every possible database column type – only the common types, such as VARCHAR and INTEGER . Django’s built-in field types don’t cover every possible database column type: only the common types, such as ce1234 and ce1235.
source See also Configuring logging . See also ce3625 logging.
source If you call your URL pattern comment , and another application does the same thing, there’s no guarantee which URL will be inserted into your template when you use this name. If you call your ce153 pattern ce653, and another application does the same thing, there’s no guarantee which ce153 will be inserted into your ce28 when you use this name. call URL pattern comment, insert URL into template, use name call URL pattern comment, insert URL into template, use name, insert guarantee into template "insert guarantee into template" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source Beware that not all browsers support entering localized numbers in number input types. Beware that not all browsers support entering localized numbers in ce1634 input types. enter localized numbers in number input types enter localized numbers in number input types
source django.utils.cache ce2183.
source Note that only the execution of your view is enclosed in the transactions. Note that only the execution of your view is enclosed in the transactions.
source Example: Example:
source Filters This filters.
source The template context used is: The ce3077 used is:
source This means that the configuration looks slightly different. This means that the configuration looks slightly different.
source Let’s start by looking at some examples of showing a list of objects or an individual object. Let’s start by looking at some examples of showing a list of objects or an individual object. show list of objects, show individual object show list of objects, show individual object
source Returns the newly created object. Returns the newly created object. return newly created object return newly created object
source If this is given, the default form widget will be a select box with these choices instead of the standard text field. If this is given, the default form widget will be a select box with these choices instead of the standard text field.
source If you’d like default values to come from somewhere other than django.conf.global_settings , you can pass in a module the default settings as the default_settings argument (or as the first positional argument) in the call to configure() . If you’d like default values to come from somewhere other than ce1226, you can pass in a module or class that provides the default settings as the ce1227 argument in the call to ce1223. provide default setting as default_settings argument, pass in module, pass in class provide default setting as default_settings argument, pass in module, pass in class, provide module as default_settings argument, provide class as default_settings argument "provide module as default_settings argument" and "provide class as default_settings argument" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source paginate_orphans [ get_paginate_orphans() ] ce3192 [ce3193]
source This is probably the most common case, if you’re using Django’s admin site: This is probably the most common case, if you’re using Django’s admin site: use Django's admin site use Django's admin site
source Using the logging framework is very simple. Using the logging framework is very simple. use logging framework use logging framework
source Read a number of bytes from the file. Read a number of bytes from the ce22. read number of bytes read number of bytes
source Example: Example:
source The main difference between send_mass_mail() and send_mail() is that send_mail() opens a connection to the mail server each time it’s executed, while send_mass_mail() uses a single connection for all of its messages. The main difference between ce6178 and ce6177 is that ce6177 opens a connection to the mail server each time it’s executed, while ce6178 uses a single connection for all of its messages. open connection to mail server, use single connection for all messages open connection to mail server, use single connection for all messages
source connection : An email backend instance. ce1304: An email ce532 instance.
source Example: Example:
source Set this to the name of a DateField or DateTimeField to require that this field be unique for the value of the date field. Set this to the name of a ce1233 or ce822 to require that this field be unique for the value of the date field.
source The best part is, it’s really easy. The best part is, it’s really easy.
source Determines whether or not a User object is created if not already in the database. Determines whether or not a ce2662 object is created if not already in the database. create User object create User object
source If obj is None , should return True or False to indicate whether editing of objects of this type is permitted in general (e.g., False will be interpreted as meaning that the current user is not permitted to edit any object of this type). If obj is ce278, should return ce223 or ce224 to indicate whether editing of objects of this type is permitted in general . return True, return False return True, return False
source If you specify a cache and a key_prefix , you will get all the settings of the requested cache alias, but with the key_prefix overridden. If you specify a ce1931 and a ce4864, you will get all the settings of the requested cache alias, but with the ce4539 overridden. specify cache, specify key_prefix, get settings of requested cache alias specify cache, specify key_prefix, get settings of requested cache alias
source We’ll use the tag like this: We’ll use the tag like this: use tag use tag
source When Django processes this model, it identifies that it has a ManyToManyField on itself, and as a result, it doesn’t add a person_set attribute to the Person class. When ce0 processes this model, it identifies that it has a ce1088 on itself, and as a result, it doesn’t add a ce4228 attribute to the ce2276 class. add person_set attribute to Person class, process model, add person_set attribute as result add person_set attribute to Person class, process model, add person_set attribute as result
source That’s all that’s required to make our fictional Template class compatible with the Django loading and rendering system! That’s all that’s required to make our fictional ce63 class compatible with the ce0 loading and rendering system! load system, render system "load system" and "render system" wrong because "system" was detected as direct object of "load" and "render"

Add 'django.contrib.sites' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

Add ce2849 to your ce24 setting. add 'django.contrib.sites' to INSTALLED_APPS setting add 'django.contrib.sites' to INSTALLED_APPS setting
source This allows objects such as Django’s QuerySet to use a more efficient count() method when available. This allows objects such as Django’s ce941 to use a more efficient ce2310 method when available. use more efficient count() method use more efficient count() method
source simple_tag functions may accept any number of positional or keyword arguments. ce836 functions may accept any number of positional or keyword arguments.
source ModelAdmin. fieldsets ce4960.
source Inclusion tags Inclusion tags.
source However, raw() has a bunch of other options that make it very powerful. However, ce2468 has a bunch of other options that make it very powerful.
source Django provides a clean-up management command for this purpose: clearsessions . Django provides a clean-up management command for this purpose: ce1997. provide clean-up management command provide clean-up management command
source translates (roughly) into the following SQL: translates into the following ce1082: translate into following SQL "translates into following SQL" missing because first word in sentence wasn't detected as verb
source next_year : A date object representing the first day of the next year, according to allow_empty and allow_future . ce5434: A ce119 object representing the first day of the next year, according to ce1583 and ce3207.
source This is useful when accessing an “expensive” method (e.g., one that hits the database) multiple times. This is useful when accessing an expensive method multiple times. access expensive method access expensive method
source Sample usage: Sample usage:
source In the case of django.db.models.signals.pre_save , the sender will be the model class being saved, so you can indicate that you only want signals sent by some model: In the case of ce4485, the sender will be the model class being saved, so you can indicate that you only want signals sent by some model: send signals, send by model send by model "send signals" missing because of passive relationship confusion
source The value 0 is accepted for backward compatibility reasons. The value ce261 is accepted for backward compatibility reasons.
source socket ce2987.
source This form will include three default TextInput widgets, with default rendering – no CSS class, no extra attributes. This form will include three default ce1587 widgets, with default rendering: no ce555 class, no extra attributes. include default TextInput widgets with default rendering include default TextInput widgets with default rendering
source Ensuring data stored in hidden form fields has not been tampered with. For ensuring data stored in hidden form fields has not been tampered with. store data in hidden form fields store data in hidden form fields
source Arguments formset , extra , max_num , can_order , can_delete and validate_max are passed through to formset_factory() . Arguments ce5407, ce2419, ce5195, ce5408, ce5409 and ce5410 are passed through to ce5411. pass arguments pass arguments
source Storage objects Storage objects.
source Several contrib apps include models, and some apps depend on others. Several contrib apps include models, and some apps depend on others. include models include models
source Just like a MultipleChoiceField , except TypedMultipleChoiceField takes two extra arguments, coerce and empty_value . Just like a ce6487, except ce6490 takes two extra arguments, ce6449 and ce6450.


source For example: For example:
source Generally, you can put RedirectFallbackMiddleware at the end of the list, because it’s a last resort. Generally, you can put ce1394 at the end of the list, because it’s a last resort.
source It’s the job of “child” templates to fill the empty blocks with content. It’s the job of child ce36 to fill the empty blocks with content. fill empty blocks with content fill empty blocks with content
source This will prefetch all pizzas belonging to restaurants, and all toppings belonging to those pizzas. This will prefetch all pizzas belonging to restaurants, and all toppings belonging to those pizzas.
source forloop.last True if this is the last time through the loop ce75 True if this is the last time through the loop.
source Storage backends Storage backends.
source Assuming a form myform with a field beatles that uses a RadioSelect as its widget: Assuming a form ce1667 with a field ce1668 that uses a ce1593 as its widget: use RadioSelect as widget use RadioSelect as widget, use field beatles as widget "use field beatles as widget" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source At the beginning of each request, Django closes the connection if it has reached its maximum age. At the beginning of each request, Django closes the connection if it has reached its maximum age. reach maximum age reach maximum age
source These extra fields are used to group “like” results together and they can make otherwise identical result rows appear to be separate. These extra fields are used to group like results together and they can make otherwise identical result rows appear to be separate. use extra fields to group use extra fields to group
source If the callback returns a value that is not None , this will be used as the response instead of the original response object (and will be passed to the next post rendering callback etc.) If the callback returns a value that is not ce278, this will be used as the response instead of the original response object. return value, use as response return value, use as response
source The name of the cookie to use for the language cookie. The name of the cookie to use for the language cookie. use for language cookie use for language cookie
source z Day of the year. z Day of the year.
source HttpResponse objects ce911 objects.
source paginator_class ce3194.
source path is the URL path you want to resolve. ce2024 is the ce153 path you want to resolve.
source In Python 3, there aren’t any automatic conversions between str and bytes , and the codecs module became more strict. In ce6 3, there aren’t any automatic conversions between ce764 and ce4080, and the ce5887 module became more strict.
source Standard HttpResponse objects are static structures. Standard ce7 objects are ce461 structures.
source Default: False Default: ce224.
source You’re sharding your database. You’re sharding your database.
source Field arguments Field arguments.
source headers : A dictionary of extra headers to put on the message. ce6203: A dictionary of extra headers to put on the message.
source where and tables both take a list of strings. ce2424 and ce2425 both take a list of strings.
source Alternatively you may use keyword syntax: Alternatively you may use keyword syntax: use keyword syntax use keyword syntax
source Flatpage templates Flatpage ce36.
source For more information on the load tag, read its documentation. For more information on the ce748 tag, read its documentation. read documentation read documentation
source Bugs are fixed. Bugs are fixed. fix bugs fix bugs
source To find the directory you need to remove, you can run the following at your shell prompt (not the interactive Python prompt): To find the directory you need to remove, you can run the following at your shell prompt : find directory find directory
source Not contained within. Not contained within.
source Since QuerySets are lazy, this does no database queries if ‘display_inbox’ is False. Since ce1107 are lazy, this does no database queries if ce5486 is False.
source It is often useful to automatically prepopulate a SlugField based on the value of some other value. It is often useful to automatically prepopulate a ce4187 based on the value of some other value.
source Use the --all or -a option to update the message files for all available languages. Use the ce2899 or ce2953 option to update the message files for all available languages. update message files for all available languages update message files for all available languages
source Say also that we’re heavily invested in REST, so we want to use the same URL for displaying the author as for capturing the message from the user. Say also that we’re heavily invested in ce1724, so we want to use the same ce153 for displaying the author as for capturing the message from the user. use same URL, display author as for capturing use same URL, display author as for capturing
source 'django.contrib.contenttypes' is the Django content type system , which allows permissions to be associated with models you create. ce4407 is the ce0 content type system, which allows permissions to be associated with models you create. create models create models
source The three functions described above relied on a concept called “transaction states”. The three functions described above relied on a concept called transaction states . call transaction states call transaction states
source Example: Example:
source As with ForeignKey , a recursive relationship can be defined and references to as-yet undefined models can be made; see the model field reference for details. As with ce1087, a recursive relationship can be defined and references to as-yet undefined models can be made; see the model field reference for details. define recursive relationship define recursive relationship
source Empty value: An empty QuerySet (self.queryset.none()) Empty value: An empty ce941.
source To achieve this, decorate the view with non_atomic_requests() instead of autocommit() . To achieve this, decorate the view with ce3349 instead of ce3348.
source This will ensure that your Python code is not accidentally served as plain text (or accidentally executed). This will ensure that your ce6 code is not accidentally served as plain text .
source Safari 4+ Safari 4+
source and the query: and the query:
source Treats bytestrings using the encoding codec. Treats bytestrings using the ce973 codec. use encoding codec use encoding codec
source DEBUG ce549.
source response_class [ render_to_response() ] ce3179 [ce910]
source SERVER_NAME – The hostname of the server. ce2063: The hostname of the server.
source Using this feature usefully is probably best explained with an example. Using this feature usefully is probably best explained with an example. use feature use feature
source Using the Entry example above, the following two statements are equivalent: Using the ce1090 example above, the following two statements are equivalent: use Entry example use Entry example
source If you need to do this in a template, you could write a custom filter to allow passing parameters to label_tag . If you need to do this in a ce28, you could write a custom filter to allow passing ce155 to ce6133. write custom filter, pass parameters to label_tag write custom filter, pass parameters to label_tag
source exception PermissionDenied exception ce1867.
source --database ce2891.
source See Browser-length sessions vs. persistent sessions . See Browser-length sessions vs. persistent sessions.
source CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN ce3464.
source Many of Django’s model fields accept options that they don’t do anything with. Many of Django’s model fields accept options that they don’t do anything with.
source In Django 1.6, the fields attribute was added, which works the same way as the fields attribute on the inner Meta class on ModelForm . In ce0 1.6, the ce3204 attribute was added, which works the same way as the ce3204 attribute on the inner ce1240 class on ce738. add fields attribute add fields attribute
source --no-location ce2969.
source A read-only field can not only display data from a model’s field, it can also display the output of a model’s method or a method of the ModelAdmin class itself. A read-only field can not only display data from a model’s field, it can also display the output of a model’s method or a method of the ce4204 class itself. display output of a model's method, display method of ModelAdmin class "display output of a model's method" and "display method of ModelAdmin class" missing because "display" wasn't detected as a verb
source For example, the permissions system in Django’s authentication framework uses a Permission model with a foreign key to ContentType ; this lets Permission represent concepts like “can add blog entry” or “can delete news story”. For example, ce4422 in Django’s authentication framework uses a ce3846 model with a foreign key to ce2414; this lets ce3846 represent concepts like can add blog entry or can delete news story . use a Permission model with foreign key, add blog entry, delete news story use a Permission model with foreign key, add blog entry, delete news story
source Each installed application name must be unique and the model class names within each app must also be unique, therefore the resulting name will end up being different. Each installed application name must be unique and the model class names within each app must also be unique, therefore the resulting name will end up being different.
source head() ce3177.
source These imitate Python’s pickle module, but use JSON serialization under the hood. These imitate ce6’s pickle module, but use ce289 serialization under the hood. use JSON serialization under hood use JSON serialization under hood
source Whenever you manually handle the auto-escaping issues and return a safe string, the is_safe flag won’t change anything either way. Whenever you manually handle the auto-escaping issues and return a safe string, the ce756 flag won’t change anything either way. handle auto-escaping issues, return safe string handle auto-escaping issues, return safe string
source Either True or False . Either ce223 or ce224.
source Note that the call to super(ContactForm, self).clean() in the example code ensures that any validation logic in parent classes is maintained. Note that the call to ce5338 in the example code ensures that any validation logic in parent classes is maintained.
source Since all Field subclasses have required=True by default, the validation condition here is important. Since all ce683 subclasses have ce6443 by default, the validation condition here is important.
source Sets of field names that, taken together, are indexed: Sets of field names that, taken together, are indexed:
source deactivate_all() (in module django.utils.translation) ce4754.
source Default: () (Empty tuple) Default: ce3426.
source Sometimes, however, you only want to change the Python behavior of a model – perhaps to change the default manager, or add a new method. Sometimes, however, you only want to change the ce6 behavior of a model: perhaps to change the default manager, or add a new method. change Python behaviour of model, change default manager, add new method change Python behaviour of model, change default manager, add new method
source If the columns must stay in the one table for some reason, create a model with Meta.managed = False (see the managed attribute documentation) containing just the fields you normally need to load and use that where you might otherwise call defer() . If the columns must stay in the one table for some reason, create a model with ce2443 containing just the fields you normally need to load and use that where you might otherwise call ce2441. create a model with Meta.managed = False, call defer() create a model with Meta.managed = False, call defer()
source BoundField also has the following attributes, which can be useful in your templates: ce718 also has the following attributes, which can be useful in your ce36:
source For example, errors will be printed to the console in red and SQL statements will be syntax highlighted. For example, errors will be printed to the console in red and ce1082 statements will be syntax highlighted. print errors to console print errors to console
source This will call the serve() view, passing in the path from the URLconf and the (required) document_root parameter. This will call the ce1548 view, passing in the path from the ce157 and the ce1551 ce141. call serve() view, pass from URLconf, pass from document_root parameter, pass in path call serve() view, pass from URLconf, pass from document_root parameter, pass in path
source maxrequests ce2994.
source Some database backends, most notably MySQL, don’t optimize nested queries very well. Some database backends, most notably ce1033, don’t optimize nested queries very well.
source rather than adding parameters directly within the SQL. If you use this technique rather than adding parameters directly within the SQL. If you use this technique use technique use technique


source See . See ce2019.
source When running syncdb, an ORA-06552 error may be encountered if certain Oracle keywords are used as the name of a model field or the value of a db_column option. When running syncdb, an ce4030 error may be encountered if certain ce2712 keywords are used as the name of a model field or the value of a ce1261 option. run syncdb, use certain Oracle keywords as name, use certain Oracle keywords as value run syncdb, use certain Oracle keywords as name, use certain Oracle keywords as value

Console backend

Instead of sending out real emails the console backend just writes the emails that would be send to the standard output.

Console ce532 ce3352 of sending out real emails the console ce532 just writes the emails that would be send to the standard output. write emails, send emails to standard output write emails, send emails to standard output
source The important part here is the default ordering on the name field. The important part here is the default ordering on the ce607 field. order on name field "order on name field" wrong because "ordering" was detected as verb
source A view name, possibly with arguments: urlresolvers.reverse will be used to reverse-resolve the name. A view name, possibly with arguments: ce929 will be used to reverse-resolve the name. use urlresolvers.reverse use urlresolvers.reverse
source The second one is what is known as reverse resolution of URLs, reverse URL matching, reverse URL lookup, or simply URL reversing. The second one is what is known as reverse resolution of URLs, reverse ce153 matching, reverse ce153 lookup, or simply ce153 reversing.
source The comments app also depends on the more general Cross Site Request Forgery protection that comes with Django. The comments app also depends on the more general ce41 Site ce42 Forgery protection that comes with Django.
source This class has several attributes and methods that can be used to interact with file data: This class has several attributes and methods that can be used to interact with ce22 data: use attributes, use methods use attributes, use methods
source If this filter required additional arguments at time of construction, they can be provided as additional keys in the filter configuration dictionary. If this filter required additional arguments at time of construction, they can be provided as additional keys in the filter configuration dictionary. provide as additional keys provide as additional keys
source Currently available feed types are: Currently available feed types are:
source In all other respects, the InlineModelAdmin is exactly the same as any other. In all other respects, the ce4459 is exactly the same as any other.
source All parameters, if given, should be Unicode objects, except: All ce155, if given, should be ce989 objects, except:


Default: None

ce3502 Default: ce278.
source Note Note.
source This is useful if you have multiple Django instances running under the same hostname. This is useful if you have multiple ce0 instances running under the same hostname. run multiple Django instances under same hostname run multiple Django instances under same hostname


Ultimately, a log record needs to be rendered as text.

Formatters Ultimately, a log record needs to be rendered as text. render log record as text render log record as text
source If it’s False , send_mail will raise an smtplib.SMTPException . If it’s ce224, ce6155 will raise an ce6166. raise smtplib.SMTPException raise smtplib.SMTPException
source allow_empty [ get_allow_empty() ] ce1583 [ce3190]
source The piece of information we have available as a starting point to get a URL is an identification (e.g. the name) of the view in charge of handling it, other pieces of information that necessarily must participate in the lookup of the right URL are the types (positional, keyword) and values of the view arguments. The piece of information we have available as a starting point to get a ce153 is an identification of the view in charge of handling it, other pieces of information that necessarily must participate in the lookup of the right ce153 are the types and values of the view arguments.
source If you’re doing this inside an atomic() block, the entire block will still be rolled back, because it doesn’t know you’ve handled the situation at a lower level! If you’re doing this inside an ce3292 block, the entire block will still be rolled back, because it doesn’t know you’ve handled the situation at a lower level! handle situation at lower level handle situation at lower level
source When USE_TZ is True , this is the default time zone that Django will use to display datetimes in templates and to interpret datetimes entered in forms. When ce453 is ce223, this is the default time zone that ce0 will use to display datetimes in ce36 and to interpret datetimes entered in forms. display datetimes in templates, enter datetimes in forms display datetimes in templates, enter datetimes in forms
source Outputs Outputs.
source A list . A ce134.
source The File object The ce948 object.
source Pass in a dictionary with keys matching the error messages you want to override. Pass in a dictionary with keys matching the error messages you want to override. match error messages match error messages
source Specifies whether files in the specified location should be included. Specifies whether files in the specified location should be included. include files in specified location include specifies "include specifies" wrong and "include files in specified location" missing because first word in sentence wasn't detected as verb
source has_add_permission() ce5185.
source All of the cautions in the note for the defer() documentation apply to only() as well. All of the cautions in the note for the ce2441 documentation apply to ce2442 as well. apply to only() apply to only()
source Options. db_table ce5946.
source If you do write custom error handling, it’s a good idea to emulate Django’s built-in error handling and only report/log errors if DEBUG is False . If you do write custom error handling, it’s a good idea to emulate Django’s built-in error handling and only report/log errors if ce549 is ce224. write custom error handling write custom error handling
source For example, if an Answer relates to a Question object, and a question has more than one answer, and the order of answers matters, you’d do this: For example, if an ce5957 relates to a ce5958 object, and a question has more than one answer, and the order of answers matters, you’d do this:
source If a SuspiciousOperation exception reaches the WSGI handler level it is logged at the Error level and results in a HttpResponseBadRequest . If a ce1868 exception reaches the ce1212 handler level it is logged at the ce4370 level and results in a ce2234. reach the WSGI handler level, log at the Error level, result in a HttpResponseBadRequest reach the WSGI handler level, log at the Error level, result in a HttpResponseBadRequest, log at results "log at results" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source get_context_data() ce1569.
source subdomain to URLs that don’t have it. subdomain to URLs that don’t have it.
source Each query is immediately committed to the database. Each query is immediately committed to the database.
source See Custom template tags and filters for information on writing your own custom template libraries. See ce118 ce28 tags and filters for information on writing your own custom ce28 libraries. write Custom template libraries write Custom template libraries
source A monthly archive page showing all objects in a given month. A monthly archive page showing all objects in a given month. show all objects in month show all objects in month
source By default, is_safe is False , and you can omit it from any filters where it isn’t required. By default, ce756 is ce224, and you can omit it from any filters where it isn’t required. omit from filters omit from filters
source Models and databases Models and databases.
source Version 3.6.2 Version ce3994.
source See also NUMBER_GROUPING , THOUSAND_SEPARATOR and USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR . See also ce3542, ce3543 and ce3544.
source By default Django uses BOOLEAN MODE for full text searches. By default ce0 uses ce2563 ce2564 for full text searches. use BOOLEAN MODE for full text searches, use BOOLEAN MODE by default use BOOLEAN MODE for full text searches, use BOOLEAN MODE by default
source Escapes characters for use in JavaScript strings. Escapes characters for use in ce290 strings.
source You can also use the double underscore notation to span relationships in an F() object. You can also use the double underscore notation to span relationships in an ce1147 object. use double underscore notation to span relationships use double underscore notation to span relationships
source Warning Warning.
source INSTALLED_APPS ce3606.
source request is an HttpRequest object. ce905 is an ce590 object.
source The RETURNING INTO clause can be disabled by setting the use_returning_into option of the database configuration to False: The ce4026 clause can be disabled by setting the ce4028 option of the database configuration to False: set use_returning_into option of database configuration, set use_returning_into option to false, disable RETURNING INTO clause set use_returning_into option of database configuration, set use_returning_into option to false, disable RETURNING INTO clause
source The request is from Internet Explorer and the Content-Type header contains javascript or starts with anything other than text/ . The request is from ce4346 Explorer and the ce889 header contains ce1603 or starts with anything other than ce4344.
source An app which provides customization of the comments framework . An app which provides customization of the comments framework. provide customization of comments framework provide customization of comments framework
source Default: () (Empty tuple) Default: ce3426.
source Controls whether or not a constraint should be created in the database for this foreign key. Controls whether or not a constraint should be created in the database for this foreign key. create constraint in database create constraint in database
source To install it, follow the installation instructions detailed on the project Web site. To install it, follow the installation instructions detailed on the project Web site.

Registering custom filters

For registering custom filters.
source For example, if you are manually constructing a <label> in your template (despite the fact that label_tag() will do this for you): For example, if you are manually constructing a ce722 in your ce28 :
source get_valid_name( name) ce1891.
source The name of the module file is the name you’ll use to load the tags later, so be careful to pick a name that won’t clash with custom tags and filters in another app. The name of the module ce22 is the name you’ll use to load the tags later, so be careful to pick a name that won’t clash with custom tags and filters in another app. use name, load tags use name, load tags
source To create a recursive relationship – an object that has a many-to-one relationship with itself – use models.ForeignKey('self') . To create a recursive relationship: an object that has a many-to-one relationship with itself: use ce4196. create recursive relationship create recursive relationship
source The arguments to the serialize function are the format to serialize the data to (see Serialization formats) and a QuerySet to serialize. The arguments to the ce1256 function are the format to serialize the data to and a ce941 to serialize.
source If the directory exists, Django looks for templates in there. If the directory exists, Django looks for ce36 in there.
source Like a BooleanField , but allows NULL as one of the options. Like a ce689, but allows ce1142 as one of the options.
source assignment_tag functions may accept any number of positional or keyword arguments. ce855 functions may accept any number of positional or keyword arguments.
source If you provide multiple Q object arguments to a lookup function, the arguments will be “AND”ed together. If you provide multiple ce1160 object arguments to a lookup function, the arguments will be ce1162 ed together. provide multiple Q object arguments to lookup function provide multiple Q object arguments to lookup function
source See allowed date format strings . See ce3522.
source Once all fields are cleaned, the list of clean values is combined into a single value by compress() . Once all fields are cleaned, the list of clean values is combined into a single value by ce1619. combine list of clean values, combine list into single value, clean fields combine list of clean values, combine list into single value, clean fields
source The get_connection() function in django.core.mail returns an instance of the email backend that you can use. The ce6218 function in ce1075 returns an instance of the email ce532 that you can use. return instance of email backend return instance of email backend
source See the documentation on controlling the creation order of test databases for details. See the documentation on controlling the creation order of test databases for details.
source When USE_TZ is True , datetime fields are converted to the current time zone before filtering. When ce453 is ce223, datetime fields are converted to the current time zone before filtering. convert datetime fields to current time zone, convert datetime fields before filtering convert datetime fields to current time zone, convert datetime fields before filtering
source If one of your views receives an HttpRequest object with POST parameters susceptible to contain sensitive information, you may prevent the values of those parameters from being included in the error reports using the sensitive_post_parameters decorator: If one of your views receives an ce590 object with ce3378 susceptible to contain sensitive information, you may prevent the values of those ce155 from being included in the error reports using the ce3376 ce9: receive HttpRequest object with POST parameters, prevent values of parameters, include in error reports, use sensitive_post_parameters decorator prevent values of parameters, include in error reports, use sensitive_post_parameters decorator "receive HttpRequest object with POST parameters" missing because of accusative / preposition confusion
source For example: For example:
source See the GeoDjango documentation for more. See the ce512 documentation for more.
source Sometimes, though, the Django version won’t meet your precise requirements, or you’ll want to use a field that is entirely different from those shipped with Django. Sometimes, though, the ce0 version won’t meet your precise requirements, or you’ll want to use a field that is entirely different from those shipped with Django. use field use field
source Text input: <input type="url" ...> Text input: ce1639.
source See the howto on managing static files for more details about usage. See the howto on managing ce461 files for more details about usage.
source response_class [ render_to_response() ] ce3179 [ce910]
source New in Django 1.6: New in ce0 1.6.
source If you want to make one widget instance look different from another, you will need to specify additional attributes at the time when the widget object is instantiated and assigned to a form field (and perhaps add some rules to your CSS files). If you want to make one widget instance look different from another, you will need to specify additional attributes at the time when the widget object is instantiated and assigned to a form field . specify additional attributes, instantiate widget object, assign to form field specify additional attributes, instantiate widget object, assign to form field, instantiate widget object to form field "instantiate widget object to form field" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source Error handling Error handling.
source Here’s how your sitemap class might look: Here’s how your sitemap class might look:
source " (double quote) is converted to &quot; ce48 is converted to ce285. convert " to &quot; convert " to &quot;
source You don’t know which headers any given HTTP client will send you, so be prepared to handle both. You don’t know which headers any given ce884 client will send you, so be prepared to handle both.
source This is no longer true (although you can manually pass in the primary_key argument if you like). This is no longer ce80 .
source class RssFeed( SyndicationFeed) class ce4645.
source The following two querysets are identical: The following two querysets are identical:
source Instead of adding a fastcgi-script handler, you have to add a fcgid-handler: Instead of adding a fastcgi-script handler, you have to add a fcgid-handler: add fastcgi-script handler, add fcgid-handler add fastcgi-script handler, add fcgid-handler
source GeoDjango intends to be a world-class geographic Web framework. ce512 intends to be a world-class geographic Web framework.
source Like an IntegerField , but must be either positive or zero ( 0 ). Like an ce699, but must be either positive or zero .
source FloatField ce700.
source When Django renders a widget as HTML, it only renders very minimal markup - Django doesn’t add class names, or any other widget-specific attributes. When ce0 renders a widget as ce33, it only renders very minimal markup - Django doesn’t add class names, or any other widget-specific attributes. render a widget as HTML, render very minimal markup, add class names, add other widget-specific attributes render a widget as HTML, render very minimal markup, add class names, add other widget-specific attributes


source Example: "foo.*\.txt$" , which will match a file called foo23.txt but not bar.txt or foo23.png . Example: ce22, which will match a ce44 called ce41 but not ce411 or ce4140. match file, match "foo.*\.txt$", call foo23.txt, call bar.txt, call foo23.png match file, match "foo.*\.txt$", call foo23.txt, call bar.txt, call foo23.png
source See ModelForm factory function for example usage. See ce690 factory function for example usage.
source The syncdb management command operates on one database at a time. The ce1346 management command operates on one database at a time.
source For example, if you have a field title that has unique_for_date="pub_date" For example, if you have a field title that has ce00000.
source Writing Web applications can be monotonous, because we repeat certain patterns again and again. Writing Web applications can be monotonous, because we repeat certain patterns again and again. write web applications, repeat certain patterns repeat certain patterns "write web applications" missing because first word in sentence wasn't detected as verb
source This defaults to BaseInlineFormSet . This defaults to ce5192.
source validate_slug ce4250.
source Exactly which steps you will need to take depends on your installation process. Exactly which steps you will need to take depends on your installation process.
source We can also ask for the oldest book of any of those managed by every publisher: We can also ask for the oldest book of any of those managed by every publisher: ask for oldest book ask for oldest book
source It also works with many-to-many relations. It also works with many-to-many relations.
source ...where [cache_table_name] is the name of the database table to create. ...where ce4824 is the name of the database table to create.
source Changed in Django 1.5:

The context used to be populated with a {{ params }} dictionary of the parameters captured in the URL.

Changed in ce0 1.5: The context used to be populated with a ce6079 dictionary of the ce155 captured in the ce153. change in Django "Change in Django" missing because first word in sentence wasn't detected as verb
source link ce5785.
source If you’re not familiar with file modes, please note that the leading 0 is very important: it indicates an octal number, which is the way that modes must be specified. If you’re not familiar with ce22 modes, please note that the leading ce261 is very important: it indicates an octal number, which is the way that modes must be specified. specify modes specify modes
source Assets as a static definition Assets as a ce461 definition.
source CSRF_COOKIE_PATH ce1459.
source A middleware for preventing Cross Site Request Forgeries A middleware for preventing ce41 Site ce42 Forgeries. prevent Cross prevent Cross
source See the forms documentation for information about this. See the forms documentation for information about this.
source he output would be the string "09/01/2008" (the "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT" format specifier for the es locale as shipped with Django is "d/m/Y" ). the output would be the string ce271 .
source The user guide (not coincidentally, a PDF file) explains how to install it. The user guide explains how to install it.
source The second way to generate summary values is to generate an independent summary for each object in a QuerySet . The second way to generate summary values is to generate an independent summary for each object in a ce941. generate summary values, generate independent summary for each object generate summary values, generate independent summary for each object
source SQLite users ce1036 users.
source X_FRAME_OPTIONS ce3698.
source Adding from __future__ import unicode_literals at the top of your Python modules – it’s best to put it in each and every module, otherwise you’ll keep checking the top of your files to see which mode is in effect; For adding ce5862 at the top of your ce6 modules: it’s best to put it in each and every module, otherwise you’ll keep checking the top of your files to see which mode is in effect; add from __future__ import unicode_literals at top, check top of files add from __future__ import unicode_literals at top, check top of files
source Without a doubt, none of the Django caching backends should be used for permanent storage – they’re all intended to be solutions for caching, not storage – but we point this out here because memory-based caching is particularly temporary. Without a doubt, none of the ce0 caching backends should be used for permanent storage: they’re all intended to be solutions for caching, not storage: but we point this out here because memory-based caching is particularly temporary. use none of Django caching backends, use none without doubt, use none for permanent storage use none of Django caching backends, use none without doubt, use none for permanent storage
source If you’re using cache-based session storage , this selects the cache to use. If you’re using cache-based session storage, this selects the cache to use. use cache-based session storage, select cache to use use cache-based session storage, select cache to use
source This is a very important and useful feature. This is a very important and useful feature.
source Responses to requests for the same URL with different query parameters are considered to be unique pages and are cached separately. Responses to requests for the same ce153 with different query ce155 are considered to be unique pages and are cached separately. cache responses to requests cache responses to requests
source These are systems that cache pages for users even before the request reaches your Web site. These are systems that cache pages for users even before the request reaches your Web site. cache pages for users, reach web site cache pages for users, reach web site, cache systems for users "cache systems for users" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source What’s in a name? What’s in a name?
source The admin adds some JavaScript shortcuts. The admin adds some ce290 shortcuts. add JavaScript shortcuts add JavaScript shortcuts
source Changed in Django 1.6:

Previously Django used SELECT - if not found INSERT else UPDATE algorithm.

Changed in ce0 1.6: Previously ce0 used ce1095 - if not found ce1081 else ce1086 algorithm. find INSERT, change in Django find INSERT, change in Django
source Now we can write a new PublisherDetail : Now we can write a new ce1717: write new PublisherDetail write new PublisherDetail
source For example, to increment the pingback count for every entry in the blog: For example, to increment the pingback count for every entry in the blog:
source These functions take a using argument which should be the name of a database. These functions take a ce2449 argument which should be the name of a database.
source A model: the model’s get_absolute_url() function will be called. A model: the model’s ce928 function will be called. call get_absolute_url() function call get_absolute_url() function
source And we also want a router that sends all other apps to the master/slave configuration, and randomly chooses a slave to read from: And we also want a router that sends all other apps to the master/slave configuration, and randomly chooses a slave to read from: send apps to master/slave configuration, choose slave send apps to master/slave configuration, choose slave, choose router, send router to master/slave configuration "choose router" and "send router to master/slave configuration" wrong because of accusative / prepositon confusion

Meta inheritance

When an abstract base class is created, Django makes any Meta inner class you declared in the base class available as an attribute.

ce1240 inheritance ce1112 an abstract base class is created, Django makes any ce2517 inner class you declared in the base class available as an attribute. create abstract class create Meta inheritance When "create abstract class" missing and "create Meta inheritance When" wrong because of parsing issue
source That default value should suffice. That default value should suffice.
source viewname is either the function name (either a function reference, or the string version of the name, if you used that form in urlpatterns ) or the URL pattern name . ce2248 is either the function name or the ce153 pattern name.
source Performs a full-text match. Performs a full-text match. perform full-text match "perform full-text match" missing because first word in sentence wasn't detected as verb
source Use this if you want people to have to log in every time they open a browser. Use this if you want people to have to log in every time they open a browser. log in every time, open browser log in every time, open browser
source Code and templates calling get_absolute_url() should be able to use the result directly without any further processing. Code and ce36 calling ce647 should be able to use the result directly without any further processing. use result without further processing use result without further processing
source Django ships with a built-in FileSystemStorage class (defined in ) which implements basic local filesystem file storage. Django ships with a built-in ce1381 class which implements basic local filesystem ce22 storage. implement basic local filesystem file storage implement basic local filesystem file storage, implement built-in FileSystemStorage class "implement built-in FileSystemStorage class" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source Deprecated in Django 1.6:

Deprecated since version 1.6: Since BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware was split from CommonMiddleware , this setting no longer serves a purpose.

Deprecated in ce0 1.6: Deprecated since version 1.6: Since ce3365 was split from ce1514, this setting no longer serves a purpose. split BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware from CommonMiddleware split BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware from CommonMiddleware


Default: {} (Empty dictionary)

ce1434 Default: ce3423.
source In the simplest case, you can just set pk to None In the simplest case, you can just set ce1153 to ce278. set pk to None, set pk in simplest case set pk to None, set pk in simplest case
source The get_fieldsets method is given the HttpRequest and the obj being edited (or None on an add form) and is expected to return a list of two-tuples, in which each two-tuple represents a <fieldset> on the admin form page, as described above in the ModelAdmin.fieldsets section. The ce5098 method is given the ce590 and the ce5085 being edited and is expected to return a list of two-tuples, in which each two-tuple represents a ce4961 on the admin form page, as described above in the ce4960 section. return list of two-tuples, describe in ModelAdmin.fieldsets section return list of two-tuples, describe in ModelAdmin.fieldsets section
source Use httponly=True if you want to prevent client-side JavaScript from having access to the cookie. Use ce2215 if you want to prevent client-side ce290 from having access to the cookie. prevent client-side JavaScript, use httponly=True prevent client-side JavaScript, use httponly=True
source CharField has one extra required argument: ce688 has one extra required argument:
source django.views.generic.edit.BaseCreateView ce1747.
source That also means you cannot use those methods on unsaved objects. That also means you cannot use those methods on unsaved objects.
source You have four possible values that can be used in list_display : You have four possible values that can be used in ce4957: use four values in list_display use four values in list_display
source This function doesn’t work on naive datetimes; use make_aware() instead. This function doesn’t work on naive datetimes; use ce4790 instead. use make_aware() "use make_aware()" missing because "use" wasn't detected as verb
source The first way is to generate summary values over an entire QuerySet . The first way is to generate summary values over an entire ce941. generate summary values over an entire QuerySet generate summary values over an entire QuerySet
source Similarly, if you had a URLconf entry that looked like: Similarly, if you had a ce157 entry that looked like:
source For example: For example:
source django.views.generic.dates.BaseDateListView ce5425.
source What the URLconf searches against What the ce157 searches against.
source The DEFAULT_CHARSET setting controls the encoding of rendered templates. The ce1041 setting controls the encoding of rendered ce36.
source Example myapp/contact.html: Example ce1745:
source This filter is applied immediately and returns a new, escaped string. This filter is applied immediately and returns a new, escaped string. apply filter, return escaped string apply filter, return escaped string
source Example Example ce5550:
source Protecting sensitive areas such as the user account or the admin isn’t sufficient, because the same session cookie is used for HTTP and HTTPS. Protecting sensitive areas such as the user account or the admin isn’t sufficient, because the same session cookie is used for ce884 and ce1436. use same session cookie for HTTP, use same session cookie for HTTPS use same session cookie for HTTP, use same session cookie for HTTPS
source When used with an annotate() clause, a filter has the effect of constraining the objects for which an annotation is calculated. When used with an ce1900 clause, a filter has the effect of constraining the objects for which an annotation is calculated. use with an annotate() clause, calculate annotation for objects use with an annotate() clause, calculate annotation for objects, calculate objects "calculate objects" wrong because of accusative / preposition confusion
source Note Note.