Computers in Engineering WWW Site - Example 19.1

Example 19.1

FORTRAN version

! =====> Program - P123.F90
        PROGRAM DifDmo
!  Program to demonstrate numerical solutions
!  to ordinary, first order differential equations.

        INTEGER :: I, N
        REAL :: X, Xf, h,        &
                Y0, Y_Eul, Y_RK4

        PRINT *, 'This is Program >> P123 = Differential Equations'
        PRINT *, 'First order ODEs   F = -y*y  for example'
        PRINT *, 'Enter final (high) x value: '
        READ *, Xf
        Print *, Xf

        PRINT *, 'Number of steps to take: '
        READ *, N
        Print *, N

!       Step size, initial X, Y (given)
        h = Xf/N
        X = 0.0
        Y0 = 1

        PRINT *, 'Step size: ', h
        PRINT 101, 'Step', 'x value', 'Euler', 'RK-4'

!       Compare Euler and Runge-Kutta 4'th order
!       at each step.
        Y_Eul = Y0
        Y_RK4 = Y0
L1:     DO I = 1, N
          Y_Eul = Euler(X, Y_Eul, h)
          Y_RK4 = RngKt4(X, Y_RK4, h)

          X = X + h

          PRINT 103, I, X, Y_Eul, Y_RK4
        END DO L1

  101   FORMAT(//' ', A5, 6A12)
  103   FORMAT(' ', I5, 3F12.8)

        END PROGRAM DifDmo

        FUNCTION F(x, y)
!       The function to be integrated.
!       I.e. y' = dy/dx = F(x, y)

        F = x     ! Just to keep FTN90 quiet
        F = -y*y


        FUNCTION Euler(x, y, h)
!       Uses F(x, y) to advance the solution
!       from x to x+h.

        REAL :: x, y, h

        Euler = y + h*F(x, y)

        END FUNCTION Euler

        FUNCTION RngKt4(x, y, h)
!       Uses F(x, y) to advance the solution
!       from x to x+h.

        REAL ::         x, y, h,  &
                        h_hf,     &
                        x_hf,     &
                        y_hf_1,   &
                        y_hf_2,   &

        h_hf  = h/2
        x_hf  = x + h_hf

!       Form various estimates of the solution
!       at x+h/2 and x+h, then combine them
!       using the formula below.
        y_hf_1  = Euler(x, y, h_hf)
        y_hf_2  = Euler(x_hf, y_hf_1, h_hf)
        y_1     = Euler(x_hf, y_hf_2, h)

        RngKt4 = y + h/3 *                  &
          ((f(x, y) + f(x+h, y_1))/2 +      &
          f(x_hf, y_hf_1) + f(x_hf, y_hf_2))


C version

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

/* Program to demonstrate numerical solutions to ordinary, first order
  differential equations (initial value problems).  Starting from
  (x, y) = (0, y0), the solution to y' = dy/dx is advanced through
  N steps of size h to a final point (Xf, Yf).

  Two "self-starting" methods are used here.  The primitive Euler method
  introduces the topic, while the 4'th order Runge-Kutta formula is
  useful in practice.

  Note that many other more sophisticated and accurate methods of numerical
  solution of differential equations exist.

double y_solution(double x, double y0){
/* The analytical solution y = y(x) to the differential equation
  y' = F(x, y) with initial condition y(0) = y0. */

  double solution;
  solution = 1/(x + 1/y0);

double f(double x, double y){
/* The function to be integrated.  i.e. y' = dy/dx = F(x, y) */

  double f;
  f= - y*y;

double euler(double x, double y, double h){
/* Uses F(x, y) to advance the solution of the first order
  ordinary differential equation from x to x+h.  Note that
  the "truncation error" in the first order Euler method is
  O(h), so the estimated solution is not accurate. */

  return( y+ h*f(x,y) );

double runge_kutta4(double x, double y, double h){
/* Uses F(x, y) to advance the solution of the first order
  ordinary differential equation from x to x+h.  The truncation
  error is O(h^4), so the method is reasonable accurate despite
  the simplicity of coding. */

  double t1, t2, t3, t4;

  t1= h * f(x,y);
  t2= h * f(x+h/2.0, y+t1/2.0);
  t3= h * f(x+h/2.0, y+t2/2.0);
  t4= h * f(x+h, y+t3);
  y= y + (t1 + 2.0*t2 + 2.0*t3 + t4) /6.0;


  int a,i,n;
  double x, xf, h, y0, y_true, y_euler, y_rk4;

  printf("Numerical Solutions to differential equations\n\n\n");
  printf("  This program will use the Euler method as well as the much\n");
  printf("better Runge-Kutta order 4 method to approximate the solution.\n");
  printf("The diferential equation used is y' = - (y-4) / x, with the \n");
  printf("initial condition being y(1) = 0.  You will be prompted for \n");
  printf("the final value of x, and the number of steps.  The two \n");
  printf("methods will be compared at each step with the analytical \n");
  printf("solution, so that you can compare their accuracy.\n\n\n");
    printf("Enter final (high) x value: ");
  } while(xf < 0);

    printf("Enter number of steps to take: ");
  } while(n < 0);

  x= 0.0;       /* Initial X */
  h= (xf-x)/n;      /* Step size */
  y0= 1.0;       /* Initial Y (given as part of initial value problem) */

  printf("\nThe differential equation will be solved\n");
  printf("from x = 1 to x = %7.2lf\n",xf);

  printf("using %5d steps of size %7.5lf\n\n\n",n,h);

  printf(" Step  x-value  true-y   Euler    error    RK-4     error\n");


  y_euler = y0;

  y_rk4 = y0;

/* Compare true solution with Euler and Runge-Kutta 4'th order
    at each step */

      y_euler= euler(x, y_euler, h);
      y_rk4= runge_kutta4(x, y_rk4, h);

      x= x + h;
      y_true= y_solution(x, y0);
      printf("%5d %7.4lf  %7.4lf  %7.4lf  %7.4lf  %7.4lf  %7.4lf\n",
       i, x, y_true, y_euler, (y_euler - y_true), y_rk4, (y_rk4 - y_true));


Pascal version

{ Program to demonstrate numerical solutions to ordinary, first order
  differential equations (initial value problems).  Starting from
  (x, y) = (0, y0), the solution to y' = dy/dx is advanced through
  N steps of size h to a final point (Xf, Yf).

  Two "self-starting" methods are used here.  The primitive Euler method
  introduces the topic, while the 4'th order Runge-Kutta formula is
  useful in practice.

  Note that many other more sophisticated and accurate methods of numerical
  solution of differential equations exist.

  This program was compiled with Turbo Pascal V5.5, but should be
  compilable with Turbo Pascal versions 3.0 and above.  Deviations from
  standard Pascal are also minimal, particularly in the coding of the
  algorithms themselves. }

  I, N:         Integer;
  X, Xf, h,
  Y0, Y_True,
  Y_RK4:        Real;

FUNCTION F(x, y: Real): Real;
{ The function to be integrated.  I.e. y' = dy/dx = F(x, y) }

  F:= y;

FUNCTION Y_solution(x, y0: Real): Real;
{ The analytical solution y = y(x) to the differential equation
  y' = F(x, y) with initial condition y(0) = y0. }

  Y_solution:= exp(x) + Y0;
END;  { FUNCTION Y_solution }

(* FUNCTION F(x, y: Real): Real;
{ The function to be integrated.  I.e. y' = dy/dx = F(x, y) }

  F:= -y*y;

FUNCTION Y_solution(x, y0: Real): Real;
{ The analytical solution y = y(x) to the differential equation
  y' = F(x, y) with initial condition y(0) = y0. }

  Y_solution:= 1/(x + 1/y0);
END;  { FUNCTION Y_solution } *)

FUNCTION Euler(x, y, h: Real): Real;
{ Uses F(x, y) to advance the solution of the first order
  ordinary differential equation from x to x+h.  Note that
  the "truncation error" in the first order Euler method is
  O(h), so the estimated solution is not accurate. }

  Euler:= y + h*F(x, y);
END;  { FUNCTION Euler }

FUNCTION Runge_Kutta4(x, y, h: Real): Real;
{ Uses F(x, y) to advance the solution of the first order
  ordinary differential equation from x to x+h.  The truncation
  error is O(h^4), so the method is reasonable accurate despite
  the simplicity of coding. }

  y_1:          Real;

  h_half := h/2;
  x_half := x + h_half;

  { Form various estimates of the solution at x+h/2 and x+h, then
    combine them using the formula below. }
  y_half_1 := Euler(x, y, h_half);
  y_half_2 := Euler(x_half, y_half_1, h_half);
  y_1      := Euler(x_half, y_half_2, h);

  Runge_Kutta4:= y + h/3 *
    ((f(x, y) + f(x+h, y_1))/2 +
     f(x_half, y_half_1) + f(x_half, y_half_2));
END;  { FUNCTION Runge_Kutta4 }

BEGIN  { Main }
  { Get input from user---target x, Xf, and number of steps, N }
    Write('Enter final (high) x value: ');
  UNTIL (Xf > 0);

    Write('Enter number of steps to take: ');
  UNTIL (N > 0);

  h:= Xf/N;     { Step size }
  X:= 0.0;      { Initial X }
  Y0:= 1;       { Initial Y (given as part of initial value problem) }

  WriteLn; WriteLn;
  WriteLn('The differential equation will be solved ');
  WriteLn('from x = 0 to x = ', Xf:7:2);
  WriteLn('using ', N:1, ' steps of size ', h:7:4);

  WriteLn; WriteLn;
  WriteLn('Step':5, 'x value':10, 'True y':10,
    'Euler':10, 'Error':10, 'RK-4':10, 'Error':10);

  Write(0:5, X:10:4, Y0:10:4);
  FOR I:= 1 TO 4 DO Write('--':10); WriteLn;

  Y_Euler:= Y0;
  Y_RK4:= Y0;

  { Compare true solution with Euler and Runge-Kutta 4'th order
    at each step }
  FOR I:= 1 TO N DO
      Y_Euler:= Euler(X, Y_Euler, h);
      Y_RK4:= Runge_Kutta4(X, Y_RK4, h);

      X:= X + h;
      Y_True:= Y_solution(X, Y0);

      WriteLn(I:5, X:10:4, Y_True:10:4,
        Y_Euler:10:4, (Y_Euler - Y_True):10:4,
        Y_RK4:10:4, (Y_RK4 - Y_True):10:4);
    END;  { FOR I }

Last modified: 08/07/97