Assignment #6 - 97A

Assignment #6 - 97A

Assignment 6

T.A          :  Fan 

Mail to      : HCAF on MUSICB  (all other destinations will be IGNORED)
               Send your 'C' source file, your data and output to your code HC--
               on MUSICB.
               Then E-Mail both to HCAF 
               To get credit for your assignments they MUST by mailed
               from your own HC-- code - that's how we keep track of all
               the students in the class.

Due          : 30 November 1997
Weight       : 35

Assignment 6


Write a "C" program which accepts data lines with simple arithmetic expressions involving '+','-','*','(' and ')' and evaluates them.

For example:

Input Output

34 + ( 7 - 2 ) * 3 34 + ( 7 - 2 ) * 3 = 49

12 * 4 + ( 21 - 9 ) 12 * 4 + ( 21 - 9 ) = 60

117 + 60 117 + 60 = 177


  • Your input is a sequence of lines. Each line represents regular mathematical expression and consists of the following:
  • Numbers (not more then 4), operators and blanks.
  • The line starts with a number or left bracket (column 1) and each number or operator is delimited with a single blank only.
  • A blank in column 1 indicates end of file.
  • A "number" means an unsigned integer constant in standard decimal notation; that is a sequence of characters, each of which is one digit (0, 1, 2 ..., 9).
  • You do not know the number of characters in advance, hence you cannot use "C" %d conversion in a format section of a printf.
  • Your output should include an input echo, the operands and operators found and the answer.
  • You need not check for illegal input. You need not implement brackets inside brackets.


Bonus marks for implementing additional features... Additional features might include:

  • Checking for illegal input
  • Signed numbers
  • Input base other than 10
  • Input in Roman numerals (Good Luck!!)
  • Input with nested brackets