package ca.mcgill.sable.soot.baf.toolkit.scalar;

import java.util.*;
import ca.mcgill.sable.soot.*;
import ca.mcgill.sable.soot.jimple.*;
import ca.mcgill.sable.soot.baf.*;
import ca.mcgill.sable.soot.toolkit.scalar.*;
import ca.mcgill.sable.soot.baf.internal.*;

public class LoadStoreOptimizer 
    // Constants
    final static  boolean debug = false;
    // constants returned by the stackIndependent function.
    final static protected int FAILURE = 0;
    final static protected int SUCCESS = 1;
    final static protected  int MAKE_DUP = 2;
    final static protected int MAKE_DUP1_X1 = 3;
    final static protected int HAS_CHANGED = 5;

    final static protected int STORE_LOAD_ELIMINATION = 0;
    final static protected int STORE_LOAD_LOAD_ELIMINATION = -1;

    // Statics
    private static LoadStoreOptimizer mSingleton = new LoadStoreOptimizer();
    private static Tag sllTag, slTag, popTag;

    // Instance vars.
    protected Chain mUnits;
    protected Body mBody;
    protected CompleteUnitGraph mCompleteUnitGraph;
    protected LocalDefs mLocalDefs;
    protected LocalUses mLocalUses;
    protected Map mUnitToBlockMap;     // maps a unit to it's containing block

    protected SootMethod mMtd;
    protected LoadStoreOptimizer()

    public static LoadStoreOptimizer v()
        return mSingleton;


     *  Computes a map binding each unit in the method to the unique basic block    
     *  that contains it.
    protected  void buildUnitToBlockMap()
	BlockGraph blockGraph = new BriefBlockGraph(mBody);        
        List blocks = blockGraph.getBlocks();
        mUnitToBlockMap = new HashMap();
        Iterator blockIt = blocks.iterator();
        while(blockIt.hasNext() ) {
            Block block = (Block);
            Iterator unitIt = block.iterator();
            while(unitIt.hasNext()) {
                Unit unit = (Unit);                
                mUnitToBlockMap.put(unit, block);                

    // computes a list of all the stores in mUnits in order of their occurence therein.
    protected  List  buildStoreList()
	Iterator it = mUnits.iterator();
	List storeList = new ArrayList();
	while(it.hasNext()) {
	    Unit unit = (Unit);
	    if(unit  instanceof StoreInst)
        return storeList;

    protected void computeLocalDefsAndLocalUsesInfo() 
        mCompleteUnitGraph =  new CompleteUnitGraph(mBody);
        mLocalDefs = new SimpleLocalDefs(mCompleteUnitGraph);
        mLocalUses = new SimpleLocalUses(mCompleteUnitGraph, mLocalDefs);            

    // method that drives the optimizations. The only public (non-static) method of this class.
    public void optimize(Body body) 
        mBody = body;        
        mUnits =  mBody.getUnits();
	mMtd = body.getMethod();
	sllTag = mMtd.newTag("sll.l");
	slTag = mMtd.newTag("sl.l");
	popTag = mMtd.newTag("pop.l");
	if(debug) { System.out.println("Optimizing: " + body.getMethod().toString());}
        optimizeStoreLoads();    if(debug)  System.out.println("pass 1"); 
	doInterBlockOptimizations();  if(debug)  System.out.println("pass 2"); 

      	//propagateLoadsBackwards();         if(debug)     System.out.println("pass 3"); 	
	//optimizeStoreLoads();      if(debug)   System.out.println("pass 4"); 
	//propagateLoadsForward();   if(debug)   System.out.println("pass 5"); 
	//propagateBackwardsIndependentHunk(); if(debug)  System.out.println("pass 6"); 

	optimizeStoreLoads();    if(debug)     	System.out.println("pass 7"); 


    // For each LoadInst in the method body, call propagateLoadBackwards to
    // try to relocate the load as close to the start of it's basic block as possible. 
    protected void propagateLoadsBackwards()
        boolean hasChanged = true;
        while(hasChanged) {
            hasChanged = false;
            List tempList = new ArrayList();

            Iterator it = tempList.iterator();
            while(it.hasNext()) {
                Unit currentInst = (Unit);
                if(currentInst instanceof LoadInst) {
                    Block block = (Block)  mUnitToBlockMap.get(currentInst);                    
                    Unit insertPoint = propagateLoadBackwards(currentInst, block);
                    if(insertPoint != null) {                        
                            block.insertBefore(currentInst, insertPoint);
                            hasChanged = true;                       

    // Given a LoadInst  and it's block, try to relocate the load as  close as possible to 
    // the start of it's block.
    protected Unit propagateLoadBackwards(Unit aInst, Block aBlock) 
        int h = 0;
        Unit candidate = null;
        Unit currentUnit =  aInst;   
        //List loadDefList = mLocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(((LoadInst)aInst).getLocal(), aInst);
        currentUnit = (Unit) aBlock.getPredOf(currentUnit);        
        while( currentUnit != null) {
            if(!canMoveUnitOver(currentUnit, aInst))
            h -= ((Inst)currentUnit).getOutCount();                            
	    if(h < 0) break;            	    
            h += ((Inst)currentUnit).getInCount();
            if(h == 0) candidate = currentUnit;
            currentUnit = (Unit) aBlock.getPredOf(currentUnit);
        return candidate;

    // main optimizing method
    public  void optimizeStoreLoads() 
        Chain units  = mUnits;
        List storeList;
        // build a list of all store units in mUnits
        storeList = buildStoreList();	

        // Eliminate store/load  
            boolean hasChanged = true;
	    boolean hasChangedFlag = false;
            while(hasChanged) {
                hasChanged = false;

                // Iterate over the storeList 
                Iterator unitIt = storeList.iterator();
                    Unit unit = (Unit); 
		    // check for $ 
		    /*String localName = ((StoreInst)unit).getLocal().getName();
		     continue nextUnit;*/
                    List uses = mLocalUses.getUsesOf(unit);

                    // if uses of a store < 3, attempt some form of store/load elimination
                    if(uses.size() < 3) {
                        // check that all uses have only the current store as their definition
                            boolean invalidStore = false;
                            Iterator useIt = uses.iterator();
                            while(useIt.hasNext()) {
                                UnitValueBoxPair pair = (UnitValueBoxPair);
                                Unit loadUnit = pair.getUnit();
                                if(!(loadUnit instanceof LoadInst))
                                    continue nextUnit;
                                List defs = mLocalDefs.getDefsOfAt((Local) pair.getValueBox().getValue(), loadUnit);
                                if(defs.size() > 1) {
                                    continue nextUnit;
                                else if(defs.get(0) != unit) {
                                    continue nextUnit; // xxx how can you get here?
                        // Check that all loads are in the same bb as the store
                            Block storeBlock = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(unit);
                            Iterator useIt = uses.iterator();
                            while(useIt.hasNext()) {
                                UnitValueBoxPair pair = (UnitValueBoxPair);
                                Block useBlock = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(pair.getUnit());
                                if(useBlock != storeBlock) 
                                    continue nextUnit;
                        // Check for stack independance (automatic reordering may be performed by stackIndependent() fcnt)
                            Block block;
                            switch(uses.size()) {
                            case 0:        
                                // replace store by a pop and remove store from store list
                                replaceUnit(unit, Baf.v().newPopInst(((StoreInst)unit).getOpType()));
                                hasChanged = true;	hasChangedFlag = false;
                            case 1:
				// try to eliminate store/load pair
                                Unit loadUnit = ((UnitValueBoxPair)uses.get(0)).getUnit();
                                block =  (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(unit);
                                int test = stackIndependent(unit, loadUnit , block, STORE_LOAD_ELIMINATION);
                                if(test == SUCCESS){
                                    hasChanged = true;	hasChangedFlag = false;
                                    if(debug) { System.out.println("Store/Load elimination occurred.");}
                            case 2:
				// try to replace store/load/load trio by a flavor of the dup unit
                                Unit firstLoad = ((UnitValueBoxPair)uses.get(0)).getUnit();
                                Unit secondLoad = ((UnitValueBoxPair)uses.get(1)).getUnit();
                                block = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(unit);

                                Unit temp;  // xxx try to optimize this
                                if(mUnits.follows(firstLoad, secondLoad)) {
                                    temp = secondLoad;
                                    secondLoad = firstLoad;
                                    firstLoad = temp;

				int result = stackIndependent(unit, firstLoad, block, STORE_LOAD_ELIMINATION);                                 
				if(result == SUCCESS){        
				    // move the first load just after it's defining store.
				    block.insertAfter(firstLoad, unit);                                
				    int res = stackIndependent(unit, secondLoad, block, STORE_LOAD_LOAD_ELIMINATION);
				    if(res == MAKE_DUP) {					
					// replace store by dup, drop both loads                                					
					replaceUnit(unit,  Baf.v().newDup1Inst(((LoadInst) secondLoad).getOpType()));
					unitIt.remove(); // remove store from store list
					hasChanged = true; 	hasChangedFlag = false;
				    }  else if(res == MAKE_DUP1_X1) {
					// replace store/load/load by a dup1_x1
					Unit stackUnit = getStackItemAt2(unit, block, -2); 
					if(stackUnit instanceof PushInst)
					Type underType = type(stackUnit);
                                        if(underType == null) {                                         
                                            throw new RuntimeException("this has to be corrected (" + stackUnit);
                                        if(debug) { System.out.println("stack unit is: " + stackUnit + " stack type is " + underType);}
                                        replaceUnit(unit, Baf.v().newDup1_x1Inst(((LoadInst) secondLoad).getOpType(),underType));
                                        hasChanged = true;  	hasChangedFlag = false;                                      

				} else if(result == HAS_CHANGED){
				    if(!hasChangedFlag) {
					hasChangedFlag = true;
					hasChanged = true;
     *  Checks if the units occuring between [from, to] consume 
     *. stack items not produced by these interval units. (ie if the
     *  stack height ever goes negative between from and to, assuming the 
     *  stack height is set to 0 upon executing the instruction following 'from'.
    protected boolean isRequiredByFollowingUnits(Unit from, Unit to)
        Iterator it = mUnits.iterator(from, to);
        int stackHeight = 0;
        boolean res = false;
        if(from != to)  {
            // advance past the 'from' unit
            while(it.hasNext()) {
                Unit  currentInst = (Unit);
                if(currentInst == to)                     

                stackHeight -= ((Inst)currentInst).getInCount();
                if(stackHeight < 0 ) {
                    res = true;
                stackHeight += ((Inst)currentInst).getOutCount();
        return res;

     *     Finds a level block ending with aUnit.
     *     @param aUnit  the end unit for the level block sought
     *     @return the start unit of a level block ending with aUnit
    protected Unit findLevelBlockEndingWith(Unit aUnit)
	if(aUnit == null)
	    throw new RuntimeException("findLevelBlockEndingWith was called w/ a null argument.");
	Block block = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(aUnit);
	int h = 0;

	Unit currentUnit = aUnit;
	while(currentUnit != null) {
	    h-= ((Inst)currentUnit).getOutCount();
		currentUnit = null;
	    h+= ((Inst)currentUnit).getInCount();
	    if(h == 0) 
	    currentUnit  = (Unit) block.getPredOf(currentUnit);	    
	return currentUnit;

     *    Find a level block ending with the from unit, and try to move and insert this level
     *    block just before the to unit.
     *    @param from some unit
     *    @param to   some other unit in the same block as from  and occuring after from in the block
     *    @return SUCCESS   if successful
     *    @return FAILURE   if unsuccessful
    protected int pushStoreToLoad(Unit from , Unit to)
	// find a the start unit of a level block ending w/ from (if such a block exists)
	Block block = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(from);
	Unit startOfLevelBlock = findLevelBlockEndingWith(from);
	if(startOfLevelBlock != null) {
	    ArrayList unitsToMove = new ArrayList();
	    // put all units of the level block into unitsToMove container
	    Iterator it = mUnits.iterator(startOfLevelBlock, from);
	    while(it.hasNext()) {

	    // check that each unit in the level block can be moved past all units in the interleaving sequence
	    Iterator interleavingIt = mUnits.iterator((Unit) block.getSuccOf(from), (Unit) block.getPredOf(to));
	    while(interleavingIt.hasNext()) {		
		Unit interleavingUnit = (Unit);
		Iterator levelIt = unitsToMove.iterator();
		while(levelIt.hasNext()) {
                        Unit levelUnit = (Unit);                        
                        if(!canMoveUnitOver(levelUnit, interleavingUnit)){
                            return FAILURE;
	    // if we get here it means we can move all the level block units pass the interleaving units
	    Iterator moveIt = unitsToMove.iterator();
	    while(moveIt.hasNext()) {
		Unit moveable = (Unit);
		block.insertBefore(moveable, to);
	    return SUCCESS;
	return FAILURE;
     * @return FAILURE when store load elimination is not possible in any form.
     * @return SUCCESS when a store load pair has been rid of interleaving instructions
     * @return MAKE_DUP when a store/load/load trio can be replaced by a dup unit.
     * @return MAKE_DUP_X1 when store/load/load trio can be replaced by a dup1_x1 unit
     * @retrun HAS_CHANGED when store load elimination is not possible in any form, but some unit reordering has occured
    protected  int stackIndependent(Unit from, Unit to, Block block, int aContext) 
        if(debug) { System.out.println("trying: " + from);}

        int minStackHeightAttained = 0; // records the min stack height attained between [from, to]
        int stackHeight = 0;           // records the stack height when similating the effects on the stack
        Iterator it = mUnits.iterator(mUnits.getSuccOf(from)); 
        int res = FAILURE;
        Unit currentInst = (Unit);   // get unit following the store
        if(aContext == STORE_LOAD_LOAD_ELIMINATION) {
            currentInst =  (Unit); // jump after first load 
	// find minStackHeightAttained
        while(currentInst != to) {
            stackHeight -= ((Inst)currentInst).getInCount();
            if(stackHeight < minStackHeightAttained)
                minStackHeightAttained = stackHeight;
            stackHeight += ((Inst)currentInst).getOutCount();                
            currentInst = (Unit);
	// note: now stackHeight contains the delta height of the stack after executing the units contained in
	// [from, to] non-inclusive.
        if(debug) { System.out.println("Stack height= " + stackHeight + "minattained: " + minStackHeightAttained + "from succ: " + block.getSuccOf(from));}

	boolean hasChanged = true;	
	// Iterate until an elimination clause is taken or no reordering of the code occurs	 
        while(hasChanged) {
            hasChanged = false;

	    // check for possible sll elimination
            if(aContext == STORE_LOAD_LOAD_ELIMINATION) {
                if(stackHeight == 0 && minStackHeightAttained == 0){if(debug) { System.out.println("xxx: succ: -1, makedup ");}
                return MAKE_DUP;}
                else if(stackHeight == -1 && minStackHeightAttained == -1){
                    if(debug) { System.out.println("xxx: succ: -1, makedup , -1");}        
                    return MAKE_DUP;
                else if(stackHeight == -2 && minStackHeightAttained == -2){if(debug) { System.out.println("xxx: succ -1 , make dupx1 ");}
                return MAKE_DUP1_X1; }
                else  if (minStackHeightAttained < -2) {
                    if(debug) { System.out.println("xxx: failled due: minStackHeightAttained < -2 ");}		    
                    return FAILURE;
            // check for possible sl elimination
            if(aContext == STORE_LOAD_ELIMINATION) {                
                if(stackHeight == 0 && minStackHeightAttained == 0){
                    if(debug) { System.out.println("xxx: success due: 0, SUCCESS ");}
                    return SUCCESS;
		else if (minStackHeightAttained == -1 && stackHeight == -1) {
                    Unit u = (Unit) block.getPredOf(from);
                    if(((Inst)u).getOutCount() == 1) {
                        if(block.getPredOf(u) instanceof DupInst) {
                            block.insertBefore(u, to);
			    block.insertBefore(from, to);
                            if(debug) { System.out.println("xxx: success due to 1, SUCCESS");}
                            return SUCCESS;
			else if(u instanceof DupInst) {
			    block.insertBefore(from, to);
			    return SUCCESS;
                else if (minStackHeightAttained < 0){
                    return   pushStoreToLoad(from , to);

            it = mUnits.iterator(mUnits.getSuccOf(from), to);
            Unit unitToMove = null; 
            Unit u = (Unit);

            if(aContext == STORE_LOAD_LOAD_ELIMINATION) {
                u =  (Unit);
            int currentH = 0;
            // find a candidate to move before the store/load/(load)  group 
            while( u != to) {        
                if(((Inst)u).getNetCount() == 1) {
                    // xxx remove this check
                    if(u instanceof LoadInst || u instanceof PushInst || u instanceof NewInst || u instanceof StaticGetInst || u instanceof Dup1Inst) {
                        // verify that unitToMove is not required by following units (until the 'to' unit)
                        if(!isRequiredByFollowingUnits(u, (LoadInst) to)) {
                            unitToMove = u;
                        if(debug) { System.out.println("1003:(LoadStoreOptimizer@stackIndependent): found unknown unit w/ getNetCount == 1" + u);}

                if(unitToMove != null) {
                    int flag = 0;
                    //if(aContext == 0 || !(stackHeight > -2 && minStackHeightAttained == -2 ) ) {
                    if(tryToMoveUnit(unitToMove, block, from, to, flag)) {
                        if(stackHeight > -2 && minStackHeightAttained == -2){
                            return HAS_CHANGED;
                        if(stackHeight < minStackHeightAttained)
                            minStackHeightAttained = stackHeight;
                        hasChanged = true;
                currentH += ((Inst)u).getNetCount();                
                unitToMove = null;
                u =  (Unit);

        if(isCommutativeBinOp((Unit) block.getSuccOf(to))) {
	    if(aContext == STORE_LOAD_ELIMINATION && stackHeight == 1 && minStackHeightAttained == 0) {
		if(debug) { System.out.println("xxx: commutative ");}
		return SUCCESS;
	    else if( ((Inst) to).getOutCount()  == 1 &&
		     ((Inst) to).getInCount() == 0  &&
		     ((Inst) mUnits.getPredOf(to)).getOutCount() == 1 &&
		     ((Inst) mUnits.getPredOf(to)).getInCount() == 0) {
		Object toPred =  mUnits.getPredOf(to);
		block.insertAfter(toPred, to);
		return HAS_CHANGED; // return has changed
	    else return FAILURE;

	    return   pushStoreToLoad(from , to);
        return res;

     * @return true if aUnit perform a non-local read or write. false otherwise.
    protected boolean isNonLocalReadOrWrite(Unit aUnit)
        if((aUnit instanceof FieldArgInst ) ||
           (aUnit instanceof ArrayReadInst) ||
           (aUnit instanceof ArrayWriteInst) )
            return true;
            return false;

     *  When reordering bytecode, check if it is safe to move aUnitToMove past aUnitToGoOver.
     *  @return true if aUnitToMove can be moved past aUnitToGoOver.
    protected boolean canMoveUnitOver(Unit aUnitToMove, Unit aUnitToGoOver) // xxx missing cases
        // can't change method call order or change fieldargInst and method call order
        if((aUnitToGoOver instanceof MethodArgInst && aUnitToMove instanceof MethodArgInst) ||
           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof MethodArgInst && isNonLocalReadOrWrite(aUnitToMove))  ||
           (isNonLocalReadOrWrite(aUnitToGoOver)  && aUnitToMove instanceof MethodArgInst) ||
           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof ArrayReadInst  && aUnitToMove instanceof ArrayWriteInst) ||
           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof ArrayWriteInst && aUnitToMove instanceof ArrayReadInst)  ||
           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof ArrayWriteInst  && aUnitToMove instanceof ArrayWriteInst)||

           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof FieldPutInst && aUnitToMove instanceof FieldGetInst &&
            ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToGoOver).getField() == ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToMove).getField()) ||
           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof FieldGetInst && aUnitToMove instanceof FieldPutInst && 
            ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToGoOver).getField() == ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToMove).getField()) ||
           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof FieldPutInst && aUnitToMove instanceof FieldPutInst && 
            ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToGoOver).getField() == ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToMove).getField()) ||
           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof StaticPutInst && aUnitToMove instanceof StaticGetInst &&
            ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToGoOver).getField() == ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToMove).getField()) ||
           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof StaticGetInst && aUnitToMove instanceof StaticPutInst && 
            ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToGoOver).getField() == ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToMove).getField())||
           (aUnitToGoOver instanceof StaticPutInst && aUnitToMove instanceof StaticPutInst && 
            ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToGoOver).getField() == ((FieldArgInst)aUnitToMove).getField()))
            return false;

        // xxx to be safe don't mess w/ monitors. These rules could be relaxed. ? Maybe.
        if(aUnitToGoOver instanceof EnterMonitorInst || aUnitToGoOver instanceof ExitMonitorInst)
            return false;

	if(aUnitToMove instanceof EnterMonitorInst || aUnitToGoOver instanceof ExitMonitorInst)
            return false;

        if(aUnitToGoOver instanceof IdentityInst || aUnitToMove instanceof IdentityInst)
            return false;

        if(aUnitToMove instanceof LoadInst ) {
            if(aUnitToGoOver instanceof StoreInst) {
                if(((StoreInst)aUnitToGoOver).getLocal() == ((LoadInst)aUnitToMove).getLocal()) {
                    return false;
            else if(aUnitToGoOver instanceof IncInst) {
                if(((IncInst)aUnitToGoOver).getLocal() == ((LoadInst)aUnitToMove).getLocal()){
                    return false;

        // don't move def of load  pass it.
        if(aUnitToMove instanceof StoreInst) {
            if(aUnitToGoOver instanceof LoadInst) {
                if(((LoadInst)aUnitToGoOver).getLocal() == ((StoreInst)aUnitToMove).getLocal()) {
                    return false;
            else if(aUnitToGoOver instanceof IncInst) {
                if(((IncInst)aUnitToGoOver).getLocal() == ((StoreInst)aUnitToMove).getLocal()){
                    return false;
        if(aUnitToMove instanceof IncInst) {
            if(aUnitToGoOver instanceof StoreInst) {
                if(((StoreInst)aUnitToGoOver).getLocal() == ((IncInst)aUnitToMove).getLocal()) {
                    return false;
            else if(aUnitToGoOver instanceof LoadInst) {
                if(((LoadInst)aUnitToGoOver).getLocal() == ((IncInst)aUnitToMove).getLocal()){
                    return false;
        return true;

    protected  boolean tryToMoveUnit(Unit unitToMove, Block block, Unit from, Unit to, int flag) 
        int h = 0;
        Unit current = unitToMove;
        boolean reachedStore = false;
        boolean reorderingOccurred =false;
	if(debug) {System.out.println("[tryToMoveUnit]: trying to move:" + unitToMove);}
        if(unitToMove == null) 
            return false;                
        while( current != block.getHead()) {   // do not go past basic block limit
            current = (Unit) mUnits.getPredOf(current);
            if(!canMoveUnitOver(current, unitToMove))
                return false;

            if(current == from)
                reachedStore = true;
            h -= ((Inst)current).getOutCount();                
            if(h < 0 ){
                if(debug) { System.out.println("1006:(LoadStoreOptimizer@stackIndependent): Stack went negative while trying to reorder code.");}

		if(flag == 1) {
		    if(current instanceof DupInst) {
			block.insertAfter(unitToMove, current);	
			//			block.insertAfter(  new BSwapInst(  )     ,unitToMove);
                return false;
            h += ((Inst)current).getInCount();
            if(h == 0 && reachedStore == true) {
                if(!isRequiredByFollowingUnits(unitToMove, (LoadInst) to)) {
                    if(debug) { System.out.println("10077:(LoadStoreOptimizer@stackIndependent): reordering bytecode move: " + unitToMove + "before: " + current);}
                    block.insertBefore(unitToMove, current);
                    reorderingOccurred = true;
        if(reorderingOccurred) {
            if(debug) { System.out.println("reordering occured");}
            return true;
        } else {
            if(debug) { System.out.println("1008:(LoadStoreOptimizer@stackIndependent):failled to find a new slot for unit to move");}
            return false;


     *  Replace 1 or 2 units by a third unit in a block. Both units to 
     *  replace should be in the same block. The map 'mUnitToBlockMap'   
     *  is updated. The replacement unit is inserted in the position,
     *  of the aToReplace2 if not null, otherwise in aToReplace1's slot.
     *  @param aToReplace1 Unit to replace. (shouldn't be null)
     *  @param aToReplace2 Second Unit to replace (can be  null)
     *  @param aReplacement Unit that replaces the 2 previous units (shouldn't be null)
    protected void replaceUnit(Unit aToReplace1, Unit aToReplace2,  Unit aReplacement) 
        Block block = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(aToReplace1);
	if(aToReplace2 != null) {
	    block.insertAfter(aReplacement, aToReplace2);
	} else {
	    block.insertAfter(aReplacement, aToReplace1);	    

        // add the new unit the block map
        mUnitToBlockMap.put(aReplacement, block);        
    protected void replaceUnit(Unit aToReplace, Unit aReplacement) 
	replaceUnit(aToReplace, null, aReplacement);

     *  Returns the type of the stack item produced by certain Unit objects.
    protected Type type(Unit aUnit)
        if(aUnit instanceof InstanceCastInst || aUnit instanceof NewInst) {
            return  RefType.v();        
        } else if(aUnit instanceof LoadInst) {
            return ((LoadInst)aUnit).getOpType();
        } else  if (aUnit instanceof FieldGetInst)
            return ((FieldGetInst)aUnit).getField().getType();
        else if (aUnit instanceof Dup1Inst)
            return ((Dup1Inst)aUnit).getOp1Type();
        else if(aUnit instanceof StaticGetInst)
            return ((StaticGetInst) aUnit).getField().getType();
        else if(aUnit instanceof OpTypeArgInst)
            return ((OpTypeArgInst)aUnit).getOpType();
        else if(aUnit instanceof PushInst)
            return ((PushInst)aUnit).getConstant().getType();
        else if (aUnit instanceof MethodArgInst)
            return ((MethodArgInst) aUnit).getMethod().getReturnType();
        else if(aUnit instanceof Dup1_x1Inst)
            return ((Dup1_x1Inst) aUnit).getOp1Type();
        else if(aUnit instanceof Dup1Inst)
            return ((Dup1Inst) aUnit).getOp1Type();
            return null;

     * @param some block
     * @return true if the block is an exception handler.
    protected boolean isExceptionHandlerBlock(Block aBlock)
	Unit blockHead = aBlock.getHead();
	Iterator  it = mBody.getTraps().iterator();
	while(it.hasNext()) {
	    Trap trap = (Trap);
	    if(trap.getHandlerUnit() == blockHead)
		return true;
	return false;

    protected Unit getStackItemAt2(Unit aUnit, Block aBlock, int aDeltaHeight) 
        int h = 0;
        Unit currentUnit  = aUnit;
        Unit candidate = null;
        while(currentUnit != null) {
            currentUnit  = (Unit) aBlock.getPredOf(currentUnit);
            if(currentUnit == null) {
                if(debug) { System.out.println(aBlock);}
		System.out.println("xxxxxxxxxxxx " + h);
		if(isExceptionHandlerBlock(aBlock) ) {
		    return new BLoadInst( RefType.v("dummy") , ((StoreInst) aUnit).getLocal());		     // we have a ref type. 

		aBlock = (Block) aBlock.getPreds().get(0);
		currentUnit = (Unit) aBlock.getTail();

            h -= ((Inst)currentUnit).getOutCount();
            if(h <= aDeltaHeight) {
                candidate = currentUnit;
            h += ((Inst)currentUnit).getInCount();            
        return candidate;

    // not a save function :: goes over block boundries
    protected int getDeltaStackHeightFromTo(Unit aFrom, Unit aTo) 
        Iterator it = mUnits.iterator(aFrom, aTo);
        int h = 0;
        while(it.hasNext()) {
            h += ((Inst);
        return h;


     *   Performs 2 simple inter-block optimizations in order to keep 
     *   some variables  on the stack between blocks. Both are intented to catch
     *   'if' like constructs where the control flow branches temporarely into two paths 
     *    that join up at a latter point. 
    protected void doInterBlockOptimizations() 
        boolean hasChanged = true;
        while(hasChanged) {
            hasChanged = false;
            List tempList = new ArrayList();
            Iterator it = tempList.iterator();        
            while(it.hasNext()) {
                Unit u = (Unit);
                if(u instanceof LoadInst) {
                    if(debug) { System.out.println("inter trying: " + u);}
                    Block loadBlock = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(u);
                    List defs = mLocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(((LoadInst)u).getLocal(), u);

		    // first optimization 
                    if(defs.size() ==  1) {
                        Block defBlock =(Block)  mUnitToBlockMap.get(defs.get(0));
                        if(defBlock != loadBlock) {
                            Unit storeUnit = (Unit) defs.get(0);
                            if(storeUnit instanceof StoreInst) {
                                List uses = mLocalUses.getUsesOf(storeUnit);
                                if(uses.size() == 1){
                                    if(allSuccesorsOfAreThePredecessorsOf(defBlock, loadBlock)) {
                                        if(getDeltaStackHeightFromTo((Unit) defBlock.getSuccOf(storeUnit), (Unit)defBlock.getTail()) == 0) {
                                            Iterator it2 = defBlock.getSuccessors().iterator();
                                            boolean res = true;
                                            while(it2.hasNext()) {
                                                Block b = (Block);
                                                if(getDeltaStackHeightFromTo((Unit) b.getHead(), (Unit) b.getTail()) != 0) {
                                                    res = false;
                                                if(b.getPreds().size() != 1 || b.getSuccessors().size() != 1){
                                                    res = false;
                                            if(debug) { System.out.println(defBlock.toString() + loadBlock.toString());}
                                            if(res) {
                                                mUnitToBlockMap.put(storeUnit, loadBlock);
                                                loadBlock.insertBefore(storeUnit, loadBlock.getHead());
                                                hasChanged = true;
                                                if(debug) { System.out.println("inter-block opti occurred " + storeUnit + " " + u);}
                                                if(debug) { System.out.println(defBlock.toString() + loadBlock.toString());}
		    // second optimization
                    else if(defs.size() == 2) {
                            Unit def0 = (Unit) defs.get(0);
                            Unit def1 = (Unit) defs.get(1);
                            Block defBlock0 = (Block)  mUnitToBlockMap.get(def0);
                            Block defBlock1 = (Block)  mUnitToBlockMap.get(def1);
                            if(defBlock0 != loadBlock && defBlock1 != loadBlock && defBlock0 != defBlock1) {                                
                                if(mLocalUses.getUsesOf(def0).size() == 1  && mLocalUses.getUsesOf(def1).size() == 1) {
                                    List def0Succs = defBlock0.getSuccessors();
                                    List def1Succs  = defBlock1.getSuccessors();
                                    if(def0Succs.size()==1 && def1Succs.size()==1) {
                                        if(def0Succs.get(0) == loadBlock && def1Succs.get(0)== loadBlock) {                                         
                                            if(loadBlock.getPreds().size() == 2) {
                                                if( (def0 == defBlock0.getTail()|| 
                                                     getDeltaStackHeightFromTo((Unit)defBlock0.getSuccOf(def0),(Unit) defBlock0.getTail())  == 0) && 
                                                    (def1 == defBlock1.getTail() ||
                                                     getDeltaStackHeightFromTo((Unit)defBlock1.getSuccOf(def1), (Unit) defBlock1.getTail()) == 0)) {
                                                    loadBlock.insertBefore(def0, loadBlock.getHead());
                                                    mUnitToBlockMap.put(def0, loadBlock);
                                                    hasChanged = true;
                                                    if(debug) { System.out.println("inter-block opti2 occurred " + def0);}
                                                } else { if(debug) { System.out.println("failed: inter1");}}
                                            } else { if(debug) { System.out.println("failed: inter2");}}
                                        } else { if(debug) { System.out.println("failed: inter3");}}                                        
                                    } else { if(debug) { System.out.println("failed: inter4");}}
                                }        else { if(debug) { System.out.println("failed: inter5");}}                        
                            } else { if(debug) { System.out.println("failed: inter6");}}

     *  Given 2 blocks, assertains whether all the succesors of the first block are the predecessors 
     *  of the second block.
    protected boolean allSuccesorsOfAreThePredecessorsOf(Block aFirstBlock, Block aSecondBlock)
        int size = aFirstBlock.getSuccessors().size();        
        Iterator it = aFirstBlock.getSuccessors().iterator();
        List preds = aSecondBlock.getPreds();
        while(it.hasNext()) {
                return false;
	if(size == preds.size())
            return true;
            return false;        

     *  @return true if aUnit is a commutative binary operator
    protected boolean isCommutativeBinOp(Unit aUnit)
        if(aUnit == null )
            return false;
        if(aUnit instanceof AddInst ||
           aUnit instanceof MulInst ||
           aUnit instanceof AndInst ||
           aUnit instanceof OrInst ||
           aUnit instanceof XorInst) 
            return true;
            return false;

     *  @param aInst 
    protected boolean propagateLoadForward(Unit aInst) 
        Unit currentUnit;
        Block block  = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(aInst);
        boolean res = false;
        int h = 0;
        Unit candidate = null;
	if(aInst == block.getTail())
	  return false;
        currentUnit = (Unit) block.getSuccOf(aInst);
        while( currentUnit != block.getTail()) {
            if(!canMoveUnitOver(aInst,  currentUnit)){ if(debug) { System.out.println("can't go over: " + currentUnit);}

            h -= ((Inst)currentUnit).getInCount();                
            if(h < 0){
		if(!(aInst instanceof Dup1Inst && currentUnit instanceof Dup1Inst)) {
		    if(debug) { System.out.println("breaking at: " + currentUnit);}		
            h += ((Inst)currentUnit).getOutCount();
            if(h == 0){
                candidate = currentUnit; // don't stop now; try to go still forward.
            currentUnit = (Unit) block.getSuccOf(currentUnit);            
        if(candidate != null) {
            if(debug) { System.out.println("successfull propagation "  + candidate + block.getTail());}
            if(block.getTail() == mUnitToBlockMap.get(candidate)){
                block.insertAfter(aInst, candidate);
                if(block.getTail() != aInst)
                    throw new RuntimeException();
            block.insertAfter(aInst, candidate);            
	    return true;
	return false;

    protected void propagateLoadsForward()
        boolean hasChanged = true;

        while(hasChanged) {
	    hasChanged = false;
	    List tempList = new ArrayList();
	    Iterator it = tempList.iterator();
	    while(it.hasNext()) {
		Unit u = (Unit);
		if( u instanceof LoadInst || u instanceof Dup1Inst) {
		    if(debug) { System.out.println("trying to push:"  + u);}
		    boolean res =propagateLoadForward(u);
			hasChanged = res;

    // recycled code:

          void propagateBackwardsIndependentHunk() 
	List tempList = new ArrayList();
	Iterator it = tempList.iterator();
	while(it.hasNext()) {
	    Unit u = (Unit);
	    if( u instanceof NewInst) {
		Block block  = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(u);
		Unit succ = (Unit) block.getSuccOf(u);
		if( succ instanceof StoreInst) {
		    Unit currentUnit = u;
		    Unit candidate = null;
		    while(currentUnit != block.getHead()) {
			currentUnit = (Unit) block.getPredOf(currentUnit);
			if(canMoveUnitOver(currentUnit, succ)){
			    candidate = currentUnit;
			} else
		    if(candidate != null) {
			block.insertBefore(u, candidate);
			block.insertBefore(succ, candidate);			

      // convertsa series of loads into dups when applicable
    void superDuper1() { 
	List tempList = new ArrayList();
	Iterator it = tempList.iterator();
	boolean fetchUnit = true;
	while(it.hasNext()) {
	    Unit currentInst = null;
	    if(fetchUnit) {
	       currentInst = (Unit);	       
	    fetchUnit = true;
	    if(currentInst instanceof LoadInst) {
		Block block = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(currentInst);
		Local local = ((LoadInst)currentInst).getLocal();
		// count the number of identical loads
		Unit u;
		    if(it.hasNext()) {
			u = (Unit);
			if(mUnitToBlockMap.get(u) != block)
			if(u instanceof LoadInst) {
			    if(((LoadInst)u).getLocal() == local) {
				replaceUnit(u, Baf.v().newDup1Inst(((LoadInst) u).getOpType()));

			    } else {
				fetchUnit =false;
			} else {			
		    } else 

             //broken use superDuper1
	    void superDuper() {
		// compress a serie of loads using dup2's and dup's
		    List tempList = new ArrayList();
		    Iterator it = tempList.iterator();
		    while(it.hasNext()) {
			Unit currentInst = (Unit);
			if(currentInst instanceof LoadInst) {
			    Block block = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(currentInst);
			    int loadCount = 1;
			    Local local = ((LoadInst)currentInst).getLocal();
			    // count the number of identical loads
			    Unit u;
				u = (Unit);
				if(mUnitToBlockMap.get(u) != block)
				if(u instanceof LoadInst) {
				    if(((LoadInst)u).getLocal() == local)
				} else {

			    if(loadCount > 1) {
				Type loadType = ((LoadInst)currentInst).getOpType();
				// must leave at least one load on stack before dupping
				Unit currentLoad = (Unit) mUnits.getSuccOf(currentInst);
				if(loadType instanceof LongType || loadType instanceof DoubleType) {
				    while(loadCount > 0) {
					Unit nextLoad = (Unit) mUnits.getSuccOf(currentLoad); 
					replaceUnit(currentLoad,  Baf.v().newDup1Inst(loadType));						
					currentLoad = nextLoad;				 
				} else {
				    boolean canMakeDup2 = false;
				    if(loadCount >= 3) {
					canMakeDup2 = true;
					currentLoad = (Unit) mUnits.getSuccOf(currentLoad);
				    while(loadCount > 0) {
					if(loadCount == 1 || !canMakeDup2) {
					    Unit nextLoad = (Unit) mUnits.getSuccOf(currentLoad); 
					    replaceUnit(currentLoad,  Baf.v().newDup1Inst(loadType));						
					    currentLoad = nextLoad;
					} else {
					    if(canMakeDup2) {
						Unit nextLoad = (Unit) mUnits.getSuccOf(mUnits.getSuccOf(currentLoad));
						replaceUnit(currentLoad, (Unit) mUnits.getSuccOf(currentLoad),  Baf.v().newDup2Inst(loadType, loadType));  		  
						currentLoad = nextLoad;
						loadCount -= 2;	
			    currentInst = u;
    void peephole() {
	boolean hasChanged = true;
	while(hasChanged) {
	    hasChanged = false;
	    List tempList = new ArrayList();
	    Iterator it = tempList.iterator();
	    while(it.hasNext() ) {
		Unit currentUnit = (Unit);
		if(currentUnit instanceof PopInst) {
		    Block popBlock = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(currentUnit);
			    Unit prev = (Unit) popBlock.getPredOf(currentUnit);
			    Unit succ = (Unit) popBlock.getSuccOf(currentUnit);
			    if(prev instanceof LoadInst || prev instanceof PushInst) 
				if(((AbstractInst)prev).getOutMachineCount() == ((AbstractInst)currentUnit).getInMachineCount()) {
				else if(succ instanceof ReturnInst) {

    protected boolean propagateStoreForward(Unit aInst, Unit aUnitToReach, Unit aCurrentUnit, int aStackHeight) 
        boolean res = false;
        Unit currentUnit =  aCurrentUnit;           
        Local storeLocal = ((StoreInst)aInst).getLocal();
        Block block  = (Block) mUnitToBlockMap.get(aCurrentUnit);
        while( currentUnit != block.getTail()) {
            if(currentUnit == aUnitToReach) {
                if(aStackHeight == 0)
                    return true;
                    return false;
            if(!canMoveUnitOver(aInst, currentUnit)) {
                res = false;
            aStackHeight -= ((Inst)currentUnit).getInCount();                
            if(aStackHeight < 0){
                res = false;
            aStackHeight += ((Inst)currentUnit).getOutCount();
            currentUnit = (Unit) block.getSuccOf(currentUnit);

        // if we hit the block boundry 
        if( currentUnit == block.getTail()) {
            Iterator it = block.getSuccessors().iterator();        
            while(it.hasNext()) {
                Block b = (Block);
                if(!propagateStoreForward(aInst, aUnitToReach,  b.getHead(), aStackHeight))
                    return false;                
            res = true;
        return res;
