Package ca.mcgill.cs520.wig; Tokens service = 'service'; const = 'const'; html = 'html'; html_tag_start = ''; html_tag_end = ''; input = 'input'; select = 'select'; type = 'type'; name = 'name'; text = 'text'; radio = 'radio'; schema = 'schema'; session = 'session'; show = 'show'; exit = 'exit'; return = 'return'; if = 'if'; else = 'else'; while = 'while'; plug = 'plug'; receive = 'receive'; int = 'int'; bool = 'bool'; string = 'string'; void = 'void'; tuple = 'tuple'; true = 'true'; false = 'false'; l_brace = '{'; r_brace = '}'; assign = '='; semicolon = ';'; lt = '<'; gt = '>'; lt_slash = ''; l_par = '('; r_par = ')'; l_bracket = '['; r_bracket = ']'; comma = ','; keep = '\+'; remove = '\-'; join = '<<'; eq = '=='; neq = '!='; lteq = '<='; gteq = '>='; not = '!'; minus = '-'; plus = '+'; mult = '*'; div = '/'; mod = '%'; and = '&&'; or = '||'; dot = '.'; identifier = ; // usual identifiers intconst = ; // usual integer constants stringconst = ; // usual string constants meta = ; // any string of the form whatever = ; // any string not containing < or > Productions service = T.service l_brace P.html+ P.schema* variable* function* P.session+ r_brace; html = const T.html identifier assign html_tag_start htmlbody* html_tag_end semicolon; htmlbody = {tag_start} lt identifier attribute* gt | {tag_end} lt_slash identifier gt | {hole} lt_bracket identifier gt_bracket | {whatever} whatever | {meta} meta | {input} lt T.input inputattr+ gt | {select} lt [select_tag]:select inputattr+ [first_gt]:gt htmlbody* lt_slash select [second_gt]:gt; inputattr = {name} name assign attr | {type} T.type assign inputtype | {attribute} attribute; inputtype = {text} text | {radio} radio; attribute = {attr} attr | {assign} [left_attr]:attr assign [right_attr]:attr; attr = {id} identifier | {str} stringconst; schema = T.schema identifier l_brace field* r_brace; field = simpletype identifier semicolon; variable = P.type identifiers semicolon; identifiers = {one} identifier | {many} identifiers comma identifier; simpletype = {int} int | {bool} bool | {string} string | {void} void; type = {simple} simpletype | {tuple} tuple identifier; function = P.type identifier l_par arguments? r_par compoundstm; arguments = {one} argument | {many} arguments comma argument; argument = P.type identifier; session = T.session identifier l_par r_par compoundstm; stm = {no} semicolon | {show} show document P.receive? semicolon | {exit} exit document semicolon | {return} return semicolon | {retexp} return exp semicolon | {if} if l_par exp r_par stm | {ifelse} if l_par exp r_par [then_stm]:stm_no_short_if else [else_stm]:stm | {while} while l_par exp r_par stm | {comp} compoundstm | {exp} exp semicolon; stm_no_short_if = {no} semicolon | {show} show document P.receive? semicolon | {exit} exit document semicolon | {return} return semicolon | {retexp} return exp semicolon | {ifelse} if l_par exp r_par [then_stm]:stm_no_short_if else [else_stm]:stm_no_short_if | {while} while l_par exp r_par stm_no_short_if | {comp} compoundstm | {exp} exp semicolon; document = {id} identifier | {plug} T.plug identifier l_bracket plugs r_bracket; receive = T.receive l_bracket inputs r_bracket; compoundstm = l_brace variable* stm* r_brace; plugs = {one} P.plug | {many} P.plugs comma P.plug; plug = identifier assign exp; inputs = {one} P.input | {many} P.inputs comma P.input; input = lvalue assign identifier; exp = {assign} lvalue assign or_exp | {default} or_exp; or_exp = {or} [left]:or_exp or [right]:and_exp | {default} and_exp; and_exp = {and} [left]:and_exp and [right]:cmp_exp | {default} cmp_exp; cmp_exp = {eq} [left]:add_exp eq [right]:add_exp | {neq} [left]:add_exp neq [right]:add_exp | {lt} [left]:add_exp lt [right]:add_exp | {gt} [left]:add_exp gt [right]:add_exp | {lteq} [left]:add_exp lteq [right]:add_exp | {gteq} [left]:add_exp gteq [right]:add_exp | {default} add_exp; add_exp = {plus} [left]:add_exp plus [right]:mult_exp | {minus} [left]:add_exp minus [right]:mult_exp | {default} mult_exp; mult_exp = {mult} [left]:mult_exp mult [right]:join_exp | {div} [left]:mult_exp div [right]:join_exp | {mod} [left]:mult_exp mod [right]:join_exp | {default} join_exp; join_exp = {join} [left]:tuple_exp join [right]:join_exp | {default} tuple_exp; tuple_exp = {keep} tuple_exp keep identifier | {remove} tuple_exp remove identifier | {keep_many} tuple_exp keep l_par identifiers r_par | {remove_many} tuple_exp remove l_par identifiers r_par | {default} unary_exp; unary_exp = {not} not base_exp | {neg} minus base_exp | {default} base_exp; base_exp = {lvalue} lvalue | {call} identifier l_par exps? r_par | {int} intconst | {true} true | {false} false | {string} stringconst | {tuple} tuple l_brace fieldvalues? r_brace | {paren} l_par exp r_par; exps = {one} exp | {many} exps comma exp; lvalue = {simple} identifier | {qualified} [left]:identifier dot [right]:identifier; fieldvalues = {one} fieldvalue | {many} fieldvalues comma fieldvalue; fieldvalue = identifier assign exp;