Wooden Crusaders

A turn-based multiplayer game (currently supports only 2 players) played over the network. Users take turns to build their villages, towns, & castles, collecting gold and wood in each turn, while building their own army for conquering the opponents' land. Each villager can move only once per term and the different types of villagers have different capabilities. For example, only the peasants can cultivate meadows for producing extra wood which is the currency for updgrading a village and training soldiers and knights. Upgrading villages into towns and forts also requires wood which is gathered by the peasants and the soldiers.
The objective of the game is to build an army while expanding the village to support the army as each villager needs to be payed with gold in each turn, with the knights earning/consuming 15 times more gold than a peasant. Peasants, and Soldiers, and other villagers can be trained into the next level of villager or they can be combined to form a stronger villager.

If you would like to try out the game, please download and unzip the archive. You can run the game in windows by running woodenCrusaders.jar. On command prompt you can run the game with java -jar woodenCrusaders.jar.
Note: If you want to play more than one game, it is recommended that you add the java-heap-space expansion option to the command ( -Xmx256m ).

The following screenshots provide a look into the actual game.

The available actions after selection a peasant are shown on the right.
The user can move the peasant, cultivate the land, upgrade to a soldier, or combine with another peasant to make a soldier.

A castle has a full arsenal available. It can train peasants, soldiers, infantry, knights, and can also build cannons.

Here the blue knight is about to capture a village. Upon capturing he will earn all the gold and wood accumulated by that village for his own town.

This screenshot shows two completely developed fort and castle about to face off in a final battle.
The red team is about to attack with its infantry while the yellow defends with its cannons and a knight.

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