The Train Station in the Middle of Nowhere

Coins: 100    Items: 0/5
What do you want to do?

  • (Go through north door)

  • (Go through east door)

  • (Go through west door)

  • (Go through south door)

  • (See the puzzle)
  • Explore town for a bit

Why hello there, traveller! Welcome to our town! Oh! You want to hop to the next train so soon after you have just arrived and you have no idea of your destination? Don't worry about it! In this train station, the trains go along the four lines, each going north, east, west or south from here.There are no known destinaitons for the trains, so you can just get off when you feel like to. If you're up, for it, I am selling tickets to board a train on one of these lines. That would be 25 coins for the ticket. Don't complain, traveling by train is expensive and everyone has to pay for them! Oh, looks like I have some free time! Would you like me to give you a tour of the town just outside here? I can also take a photo of us two to commemorate your arrival here!
A Stranger

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