

This project is done by Hani Safadi, as a class requirement of the Pattern Recognition course taught by Prof. Godfried Toussaint at McGill University, Fall 2006. The main reference is a paper titled Geometrical Tools in Classification by J.P. Rasson and V. Granville, published in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 23 (1996).

I would like to thank my instructor Prof. Godfried Toussaint for this interesting course. I would my also to thank my TA Erin McLeish for helping me and giving feedback during the stages of this project. Finally, I would like to thank Prof. Luc Devroye who explained me the Poisson process generation techniques.


"Classification is a fundamental class of techniques that has applications in a huge number of areas, such as pattern recognition, machine learning, and robotics.

It is used to partition a "universe" of all possible objects, each described as a bunch of data into a set of classes. It is mainly characterized by its decision rule. This rule determines, for a given object, which class it belongs to.

There are two fundamental classes of decision rules: parametric and non-parametric rules.

Parametric decision rules make the membership classification based on the knowledge of the priori probabilities of occurrence of objects belonging to some class Ci. This is captured by the probability density function, p(X|Ci), which characterize how probable the measurement X is should the membership class be Ci.

Very often, however, it is difficult to describe these probability density functions a priori, and often they are just unknown.

In such cases, non-parametric decision rules are attractive, because they do not require such a priori knowledge. Instead these rules rely directly on the training set of objects. For this set, the class membership is known precisely for each object in this set. This is a priori knowledge, too, but much less difficult to acquire (For instance, it could be provided by a human.) Therefore, this is also called supervised learning. The idea is that a "teacher" feeds a number of example objects to the "student" and provides the correct answer for each of them. After the learning phase, the student tries to determine the correct answer for unseen objects based on the examples it has seen so far.

Usually, objects are represented by a set of features, each of which can usually be represented by a real number. Thus, objects can be represented as points in the so-called feature space, and classes are subsets of this space. Since we work with points, we can usually define a measure of distance between points (which might be more or less well adapted to the objects).

A very simple, non-parametric decision rule is the nearest-neighbour classifier. As it name suggests, it is based on the distance measure, and it assigns an unknown object to the same class as the nearest object from the (known) training set." [2]



Classification is assining lables to new points


Other variations to nearest-neighbor exist, but they all share the same property (and problems): Give the unknown object the class of the objects near to it.

The problems with non-parametric methods is that they require more space to store the model (which is in nearest-neighbor the whole training set) and more time to classify new objects since we should measure its distance to each item in the training set. It also create  many local approximations, which could be problematic with a noisy training set. [3]

In this project we will describe a new methods used to alleviate the problems of non-parametric methods, namely the large training set requirements and the locality problem.
Those methods rely on geometry as a tool. The construct that will be used is the "Convex Hull".




Hani Safadi 2006 - I would be glad to hear your comments on hsafad @ cs dot mcgill dot ca