Summer Research
I enjoy collaborating with students on research problems. These are often problems in theoretical computer science (mainly complexity theory), combinatorics, additive combinatorics. When I was an undergraduate student, I wrote several papers with the professors at my university, and that was the best part of the undergraduate studies for me. If you like solving math problems, you should definitely try it!
- If you are interested in doing research with me, I highly recommend taking a graduate course with me.
- MATH 594 (The Probabilistic Method in Combinatorics), MATH 550 (Combinatorics), Comp 690 (Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures) are also very useful background courses for theoretical research in my areas of interest.
Past Publications with Undergraduate Students:
- Ben Davis, Hamed Hatami, Pooya Hatami, Ran Tao,
William Pires, Hamza Usmani, On public-coin zero-error randomized communication complexity, submitted [ECCC]
- Noah Brustle, Tal Elbaz, Hamed Hatami, Onur Kocer,
Bingchan Ma, Approximation algorithms for hitting subgraphs, IWOCA2021 [arXiv]
- Ralph Sarkis, Sean La, Pedro Feijao, Leonid Chindelevitch, Hamed Hatami, Computing rank medians is APX-hard, unpublished manuscript
- Yuval Filmus, H. Hatami, Yaqiao Li, Suzin You,
Information complexity of the AND function in the two-party and multi-party settings, COCOON 2017. [arXiv]
- James Hirst,
The Inducibility of Graphs on Four Vertices, Journal of Graph theory, 75 (3), 231-243, 2014 [arXiv]