Edward Newell

Octopus (Designed by Peter Engel, Folded by Me)

The octopus is wily and dangerous to its foes. Smart, strong, and fast, its only true weakness is sticking its beak into too much of other people's business! The octopus is a natural multitasker, a deft manager, a strategic master, with a wit that beguiles most minds.

Give the octopus as a sign of respect and admiration for an ambitious one with boundless energies. "Thank you for your precious, if fragmented, attention!"

Made from one square sheet of hand-made paper treated with konyaku starch.

Figure 1. Do not be fooled into thinking you can creep up on the octopus. It is keenly aware of all that goes on around it.
Figure 2. This younger specimen is no less formidable! Use caution when approaching an octopus of any size.