import joos.lib.*; public class TestURL { public TestURL() { super(); } public static void main(String argv[]) { JoosIO f; JoosURL url; String inputLine; f = new JoosIO(); // make the url url = new JoosURL(null,""); // try to open a connection for the url if (url.openConnection()) { // connection opened ok, now try to open the output stream // send into to the cgi form if (url.openOutputStream()) { // output stream ok, send the result back to cgi form url.println("result=" + "this can be anything"); // close output stream url.closeOutputStream(); } // now try to open the input stream, get text back from cgi form if (url.openInputStream()) { // input stream opened ok, now read each line and echo while((inputLine = url.readLine()) != null) f.println(inputLine); // close the input stream url.closeInputStream(); } } // if the error log is null, then no errors occurred if (url.getErrorLog() != null) { f.println("***** Errors in this session were: "); f.println(url.getErrorLog()); } } }