Professor Emeritus
Department of Computer Science
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Research Interests
- I have worked in
the area of parallel simulation since its inception and
have developed synchronization and load balancing algorithms belonging to both of the churches
of parallel simulation-conservative and optimistic. The use of techniques from artificial intelligence for load
balancing has characterized our recent work.
- Two areas for which we developed synchronization and load balancing algorithms were gate level chip simulations
and gravitational n-body simulations.
Gate level parallel simulation contains a summary of the work we did on parallel
Verilog simulation. We developed a parallel environment for gate level simulation which incorporated
the algorithms which we developed.
Gravitational N-Body simulation is used to study a wide reange of astrophysical models ranging from the dynamics of
galaxies and globular clusters containing 10**6 stars to planetary systems with dozens of bodies. We introduced a discrete event
approach to solve the equations of motions for the bodies as a replacement for the more expensive (and traditional) time stepping approach for their solution.
- Over the past several years I have been working on the use of parallel simulation in computational
neuroscience. We collaborated with the NEURON ( group at Yale and developed
a parallel discrete-event stochastic simulation tool for reaction-diffusion models of neurons. Stochastic models provide a fine grain view of the chemical
reactions at the basis of a neuron's functioning, compared to traditional continuous models which are simulated by differential equations.
Research projects
- Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of Reaction-Diffusion Models in Neurons
- General chair of PADS 2009 and PADS 1995
- Program chair of PADS 1997
- Program co-chair of McSWIM 2000
- Program commitees: PADS 1990-present, DIS-RT 2000,2009,WSC 2009,2003, SIMUTOOLS 2010,MASCOTS 97
- Ediorial board(s) of: Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation(SCS), Parallel and Distributed
Computing Practices
- Guest editor of special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)
devoted to applications of distributed simulation (March, 2002)
- Research Grant Reviewer: Israel Science Foundation(2005), US National Science
- Guest editor of special issue of Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices (PDCP)
devoted to distributed simulation (to appear by December of 2001)
- Reviewer for IEEE TPDS, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Communications,
JPDC, Distributed Computing, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Simulation
Parallel Simulation
Operating Systems
Distributed Algorithms
Parallel Programming
Other important links
Personal interests
- Skiing-This is my home mountain-Whiteface
- Mountain climbing. Coolest experience was hiking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal.
- Swimming.
- Musical theater. Productions include the Drowsy Chaperone,Urinetown,Can-Can,Chicago,and the operetta Pirates of Penzance. I am a bass-baritone.